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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1476   View pdf image
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Ch. 306                                    LAWS OF MARYLAND

(8)  Document and apply all current, federal, State,
and other monitoring and research results related to acid
deposition relevant to the State to insure that State activities
are coordinated to prevent unnecessary duplication and waste of
financial and technical resources.

(9)  Evaluate issues concerning implementation that
may arise due to federal acid deposition control legislation,

(i) The examination of the regulatory authority
of the Commission and the Department of [Health and Mental
Hygiene] THE ENVIRONMENT to implement a federally enacted
emissions control program; and

(ii) The identification and analysis of issues
such as nitrogen oxide controls, cost sharing, emissions trading,
and costs of controls that may be, applied to the industrial,
mobile, and residential sectors versus the utility sector;

(10)  Initiate research and monitoring projects that
are found to be necessary to augment information related to the
sources and impacts of acid deposition affecting the State; and

(11)  Examine the possible contribution to the control
and reduction of acid deposition through energy management,
enhanced conservation activities by electric utilities, and
development of alternative sources of energy.


(c) In the preliminary determination of the State's
decision, the Governor shall consider factors, including:

(1) Environmental review criteria, including:

(i) The effect on the marine environment;

(ii) The effect on oceanographic currents and
wave patterns;

(iii) The effect on alternate uses of the
oceans and navigable waters, including scientific study, fishing,
and exploration of other living and nonliving resources;

(iv) The effect of land-based developments
related to deepwater port development;

(v) The effect on human health and welfare;

(vi) The effect on the State's coastal zone
management program under §§ 301(a) and (b) of the federal Coastal
Zone Management Act of 1972; and

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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1476   View pdf image
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