Volume 767, Page 326 View pdf image |
March Court 1717 326 Stand Attaiched to Answer unto William Frisby late Sherf of Said County of a plea of Trespass of the Case . . . And Whereupon the afd Plt. by Thomas Bowne his attry Complaineth for that whereas the afd Deft~ the thirtieth day of Janry in the Year of our Lord Christ- one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixteen at St. Pauls Parish in Kent County within the Jurisdiciõn of this Court was Indebted to the afd Plt. in the Sume of ffour hundred and Seventy Six pounds of Merchan :table Tobacco for Commissarys fees in the hands of the Said Plt. whil[e] Sherf as afd to be Collected and that whereas also afterwards vizt. the afd Thirtyeth day of Janry in the Year afd at the Parish County and Jurisdicõn afd a certain Spech Between the Said Plt and the Said Deft~ of and Concerning the Payment of the Same ffour hundred Seventy Six pounds of Tobacco to the Said Plt. by the Said Deft~ was had upon which Spech the afd Deft~. afterwards the afd Thirtieth of Janry at the Parish County and Jurisdiciõn afd In Consideration that the afd Plt. at the Special Instance and request of the afd Deft~ would Stay to the fall then next following for the payment of the Same upon himselfe assumed and to the Said Plt. then and there last Said faith: :fully promised that he the Said Deft~ the Said Sume of ffour hundred and Seventy Six pounds of Tobacco when at the Said fall he Should by the Said Plt. be thereunto required to the Said Plt would well and truly pay & Content and though the Said Plt giving Credit to the afd promise and assumption of the afd Deft did Stay for the payment of the afd ffour hundred and Seventy Six pounds of Tobacco from the time of the promise and assumption afd of the afd Deft. and untill the afd fall vizt. the tenth day of November in the Year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven hundred and Seventeen and that Whereas also the Deft afterwards vizt. the afd Thitieth day of Janry in the Year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixteen at the Parish- County and Jurisdicion afd was Indebted unto the afd Plt in the Sume of ffour hundred Seventy Six pounds of Merchantable Tobacco for So much Tobacco then and there last mentioned by the Commissary Generall of this Province with certain list of Execution in the hands of him the Said Plt-. then Sherf. putt and delivered to be Leveyed and So thereof being Indebted the afd Deft~ In Consideration thereof afterwards vizt. the afd Thirtieth day of Janry. in the Year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixteen of the parish County & Jurisdiciõn afd upon himselfe assumed and to the Said Plt~. then and there last mentioned faithfully Promised that he the Said Deft~ the afd last mentioned Summe |
Volume 767, Page 326 View pdf image |
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