Volume 767, Page 168 View pdf image |
March Court 1716 168 of Six thousand nine hundred and Eighty pounds of good Sound Merchantable leaf Tobacco every way well qualified in Cask of ye afd value of Twenty nine pounds Sterling money to be paid to the Said William Convenient in Kent County when thereunto demanded yet the afd George the afd Six Thousand nine hundred and Eighty pounds of Tobacco to ye Said William altho’ on the third day of~ March in ye year afd and often after he ye Said George was at the afd Parish in ye County and Jurisdiciõn afd thereto required hath not rendered but that to render he ye Said George hitherto hath denied and yet denys & unjustly detains to ye damage of the Said William fifty pounds Sterling money and thereupon he brings Sute &ca. John Doe TBowne pr Querr pleg &ca. & Richd Roe Att which Said Court viz ye twentieth day of November Anno Domini Seventeen hundred and Sixteen came the Said Plt by his and the Said Deft being called came and the Said Plt. by his afd attry prays that the Said Deft may give Special baile to the above Accõn which was granted and that William Ringgold Gent one of the Coroners of Said County keep the Said George Hill in Safe Custody untill he Shall give Special baile to the above Accõn Att which Said next Court vizt. the nineteenth day of March ye Same year last mentioned came the afd Coroner and delivered ye baile peice as folls vizt. William Frisby Plt~ against George Hill Defendant~ You Nathaniel Hynson & Thomas Cooke & Either of yo. do under take for ye Said George Hill Deft in the Sume of five Thousand pounds of Tobacco to be Leveyed on yo & either of yr. lands & Tenements Goods & Chattells to - ye use of ye Said William Frisby ye Plt~ upon Condition that if the Said Plt~ William do obtaine Judgment in an Accõn of Debt depending in ye Kent County Court in ye Province of Maryland against the Said George Hill the Deft~ that then the Said George Hill Shall pay the Condemnation of the Court thereupon or deliver him Selfe to ye Custody of the Coronr. of the Said County in Satisfaciõn thereof or yo or one of yo. will do it for him they acknowledge themselves to be Content therewith this 11th. day of December before us Michl Miller and John March two of his Lordships Justices of ye County afd MMiller To the Worspfll Justices of Kent County Court~ John March And on the Twenty Second day of March the Same Court last mentioned the Said Court doth give rule to ye Said Deft to put in a plea to ye above Accõn by Tomorrow Tenn Clock otherwise Judgment to be rendered for want of the Same after which time being out and no plea being put in whereby the Said Plt~. may Still remain without defence : Therefore it is Considered by the Court here vizt. this twenty third day of March Anno Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixteen That the Said Plt. William Frisby do - recover against the Said Deft- George Hill as well the afd Sume of Six Thousand nine hundred and Eighty pounds of Tobacco Debt as also the Sume |
Volume 767, Page 168 View pdf image |
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