Volume 767, Page 160 View pdf image |
March Court 1716 160 made Sealed and as his deed delivered in Sixteen pounds Currt. money of - Pensilvania with Condition Nevertheless to pay Eight pounds of like money to the Said Ebenezer Parker the tenth day of Aprill then next ensuing by the Said Jonas or Philip or either of them to be made did assume upon himselfe to ye Sd James then & there to wit the Said Nineth day of August in the year one - Thousand Seven hundred and twelve faithfully Promised that he the Said Philip the Said Eight pounds to the Said Ebenezer on the Said tenth day of Aprill in discharge of the Said Obligation would pay & the Said Jonas afterwards of and Concerning the Said obligation would Save harmless & keep indempnified and the Said Jonas in fact Saith that he to the promise & assumption of the Said Philip giving creditt afterwards to witt the Said Nineth day of August in the Year afd at the Parish County and Jurisdiciõn afd at ye Special Instance & request of the Said Philip and for the proper debt of the Said Philip became bound & obledged to the Said Ebenezer by the Said obligation in due forme of Law Sealed and as - his Act delivered in the Said Sixteen pounds Conditioned nevertheless for the payment of the Said Eight pounds on the Said tenth day of Aprill in manner and forme afd to be made Nevertheless the afd Philip his - promise and assumpcon afd in forme afd made little minding or regarding butt plotting & fraudulently intending the Said Jonas in this behalf craftily & Subtilly to deceive and defraud the Said Eight pounds to ye Said Ebenezer on or before the Said tenth day of Aprill according to the forme & Effect of ye Said Condicõn hath not paid or the Said Ebenezr. hitherto contented nor the Said Jonas of and con: : cerning the Said obligation hath not Saved harmless and indempnifed altho’ to do the Same the Said tenth day of Aprill at the Parish County & Jurisdiciõn afd by the Said Jonas hath been thereunto required by which & for that y.e the Said Eight pounds to the Said Ebenezer or - any other for his use on the Said tenth day of Aprill according to the form & Effect of the Said Condition were unpaid the Said Ebenezer afterwards to wit the twenty first day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred & fourteen at the County of Chester in the Province of Pensilvania in the Court of Comon pleas holden for the Said County before the Justices of the Said County impleaded the Said Jonas on the Said obligation for the Said Sixteen pounds which plea was So much prosecuted that the Said obligation to the Said |
Volume 767, Page 160 View pdf image |
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