Volume 766, Page 40 View pdf image |
November Court 1714 40 damage to the value of Sixteen hundred pounds of Tobacco And thereupon he brings his Suite &ca. Bowne pr Quer pr Deft Pledg &ca. John Doe Richd Roe 1714 George Hill D.r To Tobo paid to Cap.t Edward Plesto at your Request 800. pr Edwd Scott and now at this Court viz this fourth day of November ye. Same Yeare last mentioned Came the Said Plt. by Thomas Bowne his Attry and the Said Deft. being Called Likewise Came. And the Said Plt by his afd Attry Prays that the Said Deft. may give Special bayle to the above Accõn as above - declared which is granted And that William Frisby high Sherf of Said County keep the Said George Hill in Safe Custody untill he Shall give Special Bayle as afd. And that Said George Hill Comes into Court In proper person and Saith that he. Cannot gainsay the Accõn afd of him the Said Edward Scott So as afd brought and that he oweth unto the Said Edward the afd Sume of Eight hundred pounds of Tobacco and is willing that Judgment Should be entred for the Same & Cost thereon Accrueing Therefore it is Considered by the Court here viz.t this fourth day of November Annoque Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and fourteen That the afd Plt. Edward Scott Recover against the Said Deft George Hill as well the afd Sume of Eight hundred pounds of Tobacco Damages by the Said Plt. Sustained on Acco.t of ye Said Deft his not performing his Promise and Assumption afd. And also the Sume of Two hundred Seventy Three pounds of Tobacco Cost by the Said Plt about his Suite in this behalfe Expended and by the Court here of his assent adjudged and the Said Deft in mercy &ca Jams Smith Clk
her Said Majesties Justices of the next Court to be held at the Court house in the Town of Chester in Said County to Answer unto Phillip Kennard of Kent County Merch.t of a plea that he render unto him ye Just Sume of Six pounds Eight pence currant money of ye Country which to him he oweth & from him unjustly detaineth And that he have then and there the Said writt &ca. . . Att which Said next Court viz.t the . Third day of August~ in the Same Year last Mentioned the day of return of Said writ Came William Frisby Gent high Sherf of Said County and made return thereof |
Volume 766, Page 40 View pdf image |
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