Volume 766, Page 163 View pdf image |
March Court 1715 163 you that by good and Lawfull men of your Baylwick you make known unto the afd Mary Bowles that She be and appeare before the Justices of our next County Court to be held at our Court house in the Town~ of Chester in Said County on the first Tuesday in June next to Shew Cause if any She have why Execution Should not Issue forth against~ her for the afd Leaveys Commissarys fees Deputy Commisarys fees and Sherfs fees the afd particulars by vertue of the Said Nathaniel office as being then Sherf of Kent County. was obliged to require the afd Particulars amounting to the Sume of Seventeen hundred and twenty three pounds of Tobacco from the afd Mary And how you Shall Execute this writ that you make known to the Justices of our Said Court at the day and place afd hereof you are not to faile at your perill And have you then and there ye names of the persons before whom you Shall make the Same known & this writ Witness James Harris Gent~ chiefe Justice of our Sd- Court this 9th. day of Aprill in the first Year of our Reigne &ca. Anno Dom - 1715 TBowne pr qr Jams Smith Clk Mrs. Mary Bowles 1709 Dr To 3 Taxes at 87 pr pole 261 To Comrys fees to Wm Balden Esq.r 496 I 1710 To Comrys fees to Wm Bladen Esqr. 416 To Deputy Comrys fees to Thomas Smith Esq.r 150 To 2 Taxes at 85 pr pole 170 To Sherfs fees 30 To Deputy Comrys fees to Thomas Smith Esqr. 200 Totall 1723 Att which Said next Court viz the Seventh day of June Anno Domi 1715 the day of return of Said writ Came William Frisby Gent high Sherf of Said County and made return thereof in these words thereon Endorsed as folls viz.t To the Justices within~ mentioned I Certifie that I have made known to the within mentioned Mary Bowles that She be and appear at the time & place within Specified to Shew cause if any She hath why |
Volume 766, Page 163 View pdf image |
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