HARRY HUGHES, Governor 2571.
interpreted to have any effect upon or application to any case
filed prior to the effective date of this Act.
take effect June 1, 1985.
Approved May 28, 1985.
(Senate Bill 744)
AN ACT concerning
Historic Preservation - Maryland Historical Trust
FOR the purpose of comprehensively revising and strengthening
certain of the laws in this State; providing that the
Maryland Historical Trust shall advise and assist units of
government and the private sector in protecting, preserving,
and enhancing historical properties; requiring the Trust to
compile a Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties and a
Maryland: Register of Historic Properties; requiring units of
State government to consult the Trust to determine if
certain proposed capital projects adversely affect any
property listed on or eligible for the Maryland Register of
Historic, Properties; requiring the Trust to investigate and
evaluate certain applications and projects by a certain date
or period of time and requiring certain reports regarding
the investigations and evaluations; creating the Historic
Marker Program Fund; providing for the purpose, composition,
and administration of the Fund; authorizing the Trust to
spend, money from the Fund for certain purposes relating to
historic markers at. sites of statewide historical
significance; requiring the Trust to approve certain
provisions of the historic markers under certain
circumstances; providing the Director of the Trust may
consult with units of State government to develop
alternative plans to avoid, mitigate, or satisfactorily
reduce determined adverse effects; establishing an Advisory
Council on Historic Properties to help resolve certain
disputes; requiring State units to identify properties owned
or controlled by the unit that may be eligible for the
Maryland Register of Historic- Properties; requiring State
units to take certain steps to ensure that historic
properties are not inadvertently destroyed or substantially
altered; requiring that before selling or conveying certain
property the Trust shall provide local government and
certain nonprofit organizations an opportunity to acquire
the property under certain circumstances; providing, subject
to certain standards, that historic buildings shall be used