Ch. 780
proceeding North 62 degrees 43 minutes 40 seconds West 2,433.44
feet to a point, thence South 27 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds
West 181.10 feet to a point, thence South 78 degrees 25 minutes
07 seconds East 219.02 feet to an iron pin, thence South 50
degrees 55 minutes 52 seconds East 120.78 feet to a pin, South 34
degrees 57 minutes 51 seconds East 218.14 feet to a pin, thence
South 65 degrees 07 minutes 18 seconds East 376.50 feet to a pin,
thence North 89 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds East 138.02 feet,
thence South 71 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds East 105.94 feet to
a pin, thence South 35 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds East 166.81
feet to a pin, thence South 25 degrees 34 minutes 40 seconds East
111.95 feet to a pin, thence South 8 degrees 5 minutes East
170.21 feet to a pin, thence South 4 degrees 1 minute 10 seconds
East 359.92 feet to a pin, thence South 33 degrees 27 minutes 40
seconds West 80.00 feet to a point in South margin of Barton
Boulevard, thence South 56 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East
757.45 feet along South margin Barton Boulevard to West margin of
McMullen Highway, thence along West margin McMullen Highway along
a curve whose radius is 2,187.09 feet, 293.45 feet to a point,
thence North 34 degrees 06 minutes 50 seconds East 248.47 feet to
a point which is the beginning of a curve and thence along curve
whose radius is 1,436.94 feet, 364.58 feet to point of beginning,
containing 24.84 acres.
(D) All those lots, pieces or parcels of ground lying and
being in Triple Lakes Addition, Pinto, Allegany County, Maryland,
a plat of which said addition is recorded in Plat Case Box No.
107 among the Land Records of Allegany County, Maryland, known
and designated as Lots Nos. 43 to 52 inclusive, 58 to 69
inclusive, and 70 to 82 inclusive, which said lots are more
particularly described as a whole in two parcels, to wit:
Lot Nos. 43 to 52 inclusive and 58 to 69 inclusive:
Beginning for the same on the westerly side of McMullen Highway
where the dividing line between Lot Nos. 42 and 43 in said
addition intersects the same and running then with said McMullen
Highway, South 10 degrees 45 minutes West 250 feet to the
northerly side of Irene Drive, then with said Irene Drive, North
79 degrees 15 minutes West 250 feet to the easterly side of First
Avenue, then with said First Avenue, North 10 degrees 45 minutes
East 300 feet, then with the dividing line between Lot Nos. 57
and 58 in said addition, South 79 degrees 15 minutes East 125
feet, then with the dividing line between Lot Nos. 41, 42, 58 and
59 in said addition, South 10 degrees 45 minutes West 50 feet and
then with the dividing line between Lot Nos. 42 and 43 in said
addition, South 79 degrees 15 minutes East 125 feet to the place
of beginning.
Lot Nos. 70 and 82 inclusive: Beginning for the same at the
intersection of the westerly side of McMullen Highway and the
southerly side of Irene Drive and running then with said McMullen
Highway, South 13 degrees 37 minutes West 100.12 feet and South
17 degrees 22 minutes West 97.44 feet, then with the southerly
lines of Lot Nos. 76 and 82 in said addition, North 63 degrees 20
minutes West 243.1 feet to the easterly side of First Avenue,