by a Participant is irrevocable; and generally relating to the Howard County
Police and Fire Employees' Retirement Plan.
[Sections 1.406A(k), 1.408A(d), 1.414A(b), 1.416A, 1.419A(e), 1.431A(e)(6), 1.439A(a),
1.443A(a) and (b) and 1.444A(a)(2)(ii) of the Howard County Code -Amended
Sections 1.406A(AA), 1.414A(f) and (g), 1.421A, 1.426A(a)(l)(iii) and 1.433A(b)(5) of
the Howard County Code - Added]
Bill No. 8-2004
AN ACT amending the Howard County Police and Fire Employees' Retirement Plan;
establishing a Deferred Retirement Option Plan for police officers; establishing
requirements for the Deferred Retirement Option Plan regarding eligibility,
participation, termination of participation, and benefits; establishing certain
other requirements related to the Deferred Retirement Option Plan; and
generally relating to the Howard County Police and Fire Employees' Retirement
[Section 1.426A(b) of the Howard County Code - Amended
Section 1.437A of the Howard County Code -Added]
Bill No. 9-2004
AN ACT providing that individuals who have received a certificate, of eligibility to
qualify to purchase a moderate income housing unit in Howard County,
Maryland and who are employed in a mixed use development, Howard County
firefighters, police officers and teachers and residents who are dislocated by
Route 1 redevelopment shall have priority over all other eligible purchasers
applying to purchase a moderate income housing unit in that mixed use
development and providing that this shall be an exception to the lottery
established by the Department of Housing and Community Development to
determine which pre-qualified eligible purchasers will have the option of
purchasing a moderate income housing unit.
[Section 13.406(f) of the Howard County Code - Amended]
Bill No. 10-2004
AN ACT changing certain provisions concerning boards that have responsibilities
related to the health and welfare of Howard County citizens; increasing the
number of members of the Board of Health; allowing one of the health
professional members of the Board of Health to be a veterinarian; changing the
qualifications for the general public members of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Advisory Board; changing certain duties of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Advisory
Board; and generally relating to the health and welfare of the citizens of Howard
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