(d) The Executive Committee shall consult with the Maryland Partnership for
Children, Youth, and Families in developing the Program's standards and in
operating the Program.
(a) There is an Advisory Board on After-School Opportunity Programs in the
(b) The Advisory Board shall consist of the following individuals:
(1) The Governor or the Governor's designee;
(2) The President of the Senate of Maryland or the President's designee;
(3) The Speaker of the House of Delegates of Maryland or the Speaker's
(4) The State Superintendent of Schools or the Superintendent's
(5) The Secretaries of Health and Mental Hygiene, Juvenile Services,
and Human Resources or their designees;
(6) The Special Secretary of the Office for Children, Youth, and Families
or the Special Secretary's designee;
(7) One representative of the Office of Crime Control and Prevention
designated by the Governor; and
(8) Fifteen individuals serving 2-year terms, to be appointed by the
Governor, as follows:
(i) Two members who represent the children's advocacy
(ii) Two members of the after-school provider community who
represent providers not included in items (vi) and (vii) of this item;
(iii) Two members who are parents of students enrolled in the State
in kindergarten through grade 12;
(iv) Two members who are students enrolled in the State in grades 6
through 12;
(v) One teacher who is working in a school in the State;
(vi) One member who is a registered family child care provider who
serves school age children;
(vii) One member who is a staff member of a licensed child care
center who serves school age children;
(viii) One member of a local management board;
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