Ch. 12
of the Attorney General; establishing the Juvenile Justice Monitoring Unit of
the Office of the Attorney General; requiring the Department of Juvenile
Services to adopt a certain policy for addressing disciplinary actions and
grievances; requiring the Department to cooperate with the Unit in a certain
manner; requiring the Department to respond to certain requests by the Unit in
a certain time period; authorizing certain investigations; requiring a
representative from the Juvenile Justice Monitoring Unit to be available to
attend certain meetings of certain advisory boards; authorizing the disclosure of
certain records concerning child abuse and neglect to the Unit under certain
circumstances; establishing the function of the Unit; requiring the Unit to
employ certain staff; providing for certain salaries and expenses; requiring the
Attorney General to set certain salaries, qualifications, and standards in a
certain manner; establishing certain duties of the Unit; authorizing the Unit to
take certain actions; requiring certain reports to be provided by the Unit;
defining certain terms; providing that employees of the Office of the Independent
Juvenile Justice Monitor who are transferred to the Office of the Attorney
General be transferred without any diminution of their rights, benefits, or
employment; authorizing the Governor to transfer certain positions and funds
from the Governor's Office for Crime Control and Prevention to the Office of the
Attorney General; requiring the Governor to include a certain amount in the
annual budget; and generally relating to the establishment of the Juvenile
Justice Monitoring Unit of the Office of the Attorney General.
BY repealing
Article 49D - Office for Children, Youth, and Families
Section 40 through 45
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2003 Replacement Volume and 2004 Supplement)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article 83C - Juvenile Services
Section 2-118(d), (g), and (h) and 2-119
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2003 Replacement Volume and 2004 Supplement)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article 88A — Department of Human Resources
Section 6(b)
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2003 Replacement Volume and 2004 Supplement)
BY adding to
Article - State Government
Section 6-301 through 6-306, inclusive, to be under the new subtitle "Subtitle 3.
Juvenile Justice Monitoring Unit"
Annotated Code of Maryland
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