ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 466
(vi) two representatives of licensed health or mental health service
(vii) two principals of local middle or secondary schools, or the
principals' designees;
(viii) three youth representatives who were formerly referred to
intake as juveniles; and
(ix) three parents of youths referred to intake as juveniles; and
(11) (10) the following members, appointed by the Governor, from school
districts or local education agencies with student populations of less than 70,000:
(i) one local education agency school board member;
(ii) two school superintendents, or the superintendents' designees;
(iii) one representative of a local social services agency; and
(iv) one principal of a local middle or secondary school, or the
principal's designee.
(c) The Department of Juvenile Services shall provide staff for the Task Force.
(d) A member of the Task Force:
(1) may not receive compensation as a member of the Task Force; but
(2) is entitled to reimbursement for expenses under the Standard State
Travel Regulations, as provided in the State budget.
(e) The Task Force shall:
(1) study, survey, and assess the adequacy, quality, and quantity of
delinquency prevention and diversion services currently being provided to the
juvenile offenders of this State, as defined in paragraph (2) of this subsection, by
public and private agencies, including mandated and wraparound services, such as:
(i) behavior management and counseling;
(ii) drug and alcohol treatment;
(iii) monitoring;
(iv) relocation;
(v) community service options;
(vi) family and parental counseling services;
(vii) mental health services;
(viii) job, career, and skills training;
(ix) work opportunities;
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