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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 1486   View pdf image
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Ch. 255                                    2006 LAWS OF MARYLAND project, if the project is reviewed by the Attorney General and approved by the
Secretary of Business and Economic Development or the Secretary's designee: [(xv)] (XIV) the Rural Maryland Council: [(xvi] (XV) the Maryland State Lottery Agency, for negotiating and
entering into private sector cooperative marketing projects that directly enhance
promotion of the Maryland State Lottery and its products, if the cooperative
marketing project: 1. provides a substantive promotional or marketing value
that the lottery determines acceptable in exchange for advertising or other
promotional activities provided by the lottery; 2. does not involve the advertising or other promotion of
alcohol or tobacco products: and 3. is reviewed by the Attorney General and approved by the
Maryland Lottery Director or the Director's designee; [(xvii)] (XVI) the Maryland Health Insurance Plan established
under Title 14. Subtitle 5 of the Insurance Article: [(xviii)] (XVII) the Maryland Energy Administration, when negotiating or entering into grants or cooperative agreements with private entities to meet federal specifications or solicitation requirements related to energy conservation, energy efficiency, or renewable energy projects that benefit the State;
and [(xix)] (XVIII) the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene for family and
individual support services, and individual family care services, as those terms are
defined by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene in regulation; (2) procurement by a unit from; (i) another unit; (ii) a political subdivision of the State: (iii) an agency of a political subdivision of the State; (iv) a government, including the government of another state, of the
United States, or of another country; (v) an agency or political subdivision of a government; or (vi) a bistate, multistate, bicounty, or multicounty governmental
agency; or (3) procurement in support of enterprise activities for the purpose of; (i) direct resale; or
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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 1486   View pdf image
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