Volume 748, Page 94 View pdf image |
94. An Inquisition Indented att the house of M.rs Bridge Legatt Widdow in Charles County this Two & Twentyeth day of May in the Yeare of Our Lord One Thousand six hundred Seaventy five & in the forty third yeare of the Dominion of Cæcilius &c before Us John Douglas & Robert Doyne by Vertue of A Comission in the nature of A writt of Mandamus to Us directed & to the Said Inquisition Annexed to Enquire what Lands John Legatt late of Charles County aforesaid Dyed seized of at the time of his Death as of Fee in the said County & of what Manno.r & under what Rents or services & how much those lands & Tenements are of Value by the Yeare in all Issues & att what time the said John Legatt Dyed & who is his next heyre & of what Age the heyre is & who those lands & Tenements from the time of the death of the said John Legatt have or doth Occupy & the Issues or profitts hath & doth Receive & by what Title & how & in what manner & who hath payd the Rent for the same & to whom as in the Mandamus By the Oathes of Thomas Lomax Richard Ambrose Samuell Clarke Robert Roelants Walter Davies William Hinsey James Tyre Thomas Wakefeild John Newton John Fearson Thomas Chipsham & John Brookes The Jury Impannelled by the Sheriffe of Charles County doe upon theire oathes Say as followeth: That William Smoote being Seized in his Demeasne as of Fee of & in A parcell of Land lying on the West side of Wiccocomico River Beginning at A Marked Oath the bound Tree of John Hatches Land & bounding on the East with A line drawne North & by West from the said Oake for the length of Two hundred Perches to an Oake standing neare the land of John Courts on the North with A line drawne west & by south from the End of the former line for the Length of Three hundred & Twenty Perches to A Marked Redd oake standing upon the head of the Branch Called Smooth branch till it intersect A Parralell line drawne from the said Hatches Oake on the South with the said Paralell Conteyning & now laid Out for Four hundred Acres be it more or lesse By Vertue of A Grant under the Great seale of this Province to him thereof Granted bearing date the Twenty Sixth day of Jan.ry in the Yeare of Our Lord One Thousand Six hundred fifty Two To be holden of his Lordpp the Lord Propry as of his Manno.r of West S.t Maryes under the yearly Rent of Eight shillings Sterling p Annu he the said William Smoote due upon the Twentyeth day of May One Thousand Six hundred Fifty Six Assigne all his Right in the Premisses unto Humfrey Atwicks & Richard Smoote which Assignement was in Open Court in Charles County aforesaid Acknowledged by the said William Smoote & Grace his wife & the said Richard Smoote did upon the Eighth day of Jan.ry One Thousand Six hundred Fifty Six his Right & Title of the within Mentioned Patten unto Thomas Mitchell & his Assignes And the said Thomas Mitchell upon the Third day of May One Thousand Six hundred fifty Nine did make over from him & his assignes all his Right & Title & interest of the said Patten unto the said Humfrey Atwicks his heyres or Assignes And the said Humfrey Atwicks being Seized & Possessed of the |
Volume 748, Page 94 View pdf image |
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