Volume 748, Page 53 View pdf image |
(53) On the backside of the aforegoeing letter of Attorny was thus written Robert Pitt and James Weedon wittnesses to the within written Letter of Attorny doe make Oath that in their presence Henry Scarburgh the subscriber did seale and deliver the said letter of Attorny as his act and deed March the 6.th 1668/9 Sworne before me Will Stevens Memorandum that the said William Stevens in Open Court here to wit the fiftenth day of April in the 42.th yeare of the Dominion of Cæcilius &c tooke his Oath that the said Robert Pitt and James Weedon tooke the Oath abovesaid before him the day and yeare abovesaid Ordered that Daniel Jenifer pay unto the said William Stevens the full quantity of seven hundred pounds of tobacco for his comeing goeing and attendance her to testifie as aforesaid Know all men by these presents that I Charles Scarburgh of the County of Northampton at Accomack in the Collony of Virginia Gent the Attorny Agent or Factor of Henry Scarburgh of Norwalsham in the County of Noffolke in the Kingdome of England Esq have assigned authorized and appointed and in my place and stead as Attorny aforesaid but to the proper use and behoofe of the said Henry Scarburgh have putt and constituted Daniel Genifer of the Province of Maryland Gent my true and lawfull Attorny for him the said Henry Scarburgh and in his name or aske levy sue for recover and receive all and every debts duties Summe and Summes of mony goods wares merchandize due oweing or belonging unto him the said Henry Scarburgh from any person or persons whatsoever in Virginia or Maryland by bill bond specialty booke accompt reckoning contract or otherwise howsoever and generally to doe manage and performe execute and Order all and every the affaires of the said Henry Scarburgh and businesses within Virginia and Maryland aforesaid in as ample and full manner to all intents and purposes as either I my selfe or the said Henry Scarburgh ought or may doe being personally present and upon receipt of the premisses or any part thereof acquittances or any other discharges therefrom to make seale and deliver and all and every or any the debtors or detainers of the premisses or any port thereof to take and cause to be arrested attached sued impleaded imprisoned & condemned and prosecuted as fully as Law will permitt and any Attorny or Attornyes to make and substitute and at pleasure to revoke the same againe and generally to doe and execute all and every other act and acts thing and things needfull in or about the premisses or any part thereof as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I my selfe or the said Henry Scarburgh might or may doe being personally present And I doe hereby give and grant unto my said Attorny or Deputy as full power strenght and lawfull authority touching the premisses as I my selfe have in and by One Letter of Attorny from the said Henry Scarburgh beareing date the 16.th day of October One thousand six hundred sixty eight hereby promiseing and allowing unto my said Deputy or Attorny upon demand all such tobaccoes or other disbursements as he shall make or expend in or about the sueing for the premisses but more especially for all Officers Fees and other disbursements lawfully expended by my said Deputant in and about One cause depending in the Chancery of Maryland on behalfe of the said Henry Scarburgh against the estate of John Bateman deceased hereby ratifieing allowing and confirmeing all & whatsoever my Said Attorny or Deputy shall doe or cause to be done in or about the premisses or any part thereof by these presents In witnes whereof I the said Charles Scarburgh as the Attorny and Agent of the abovenamed Henry Scarburgh have hereunto sett my hand and seale in the margent hereof this first day of April One thousand six hundred Seventy One On the backside of the abovesaid Letter of Attorny was thus written viz The within written letter of Attorny was by the within named Charles Scarburgh acknowledged as his Act and deed to the within named Daniel Genifer in the presence of us Thomas Aram George Kirkam Mary Williams Memorandum that the abovewritten Letter of Attorny was the 15.th day of April 1674 proved in Open Court here by the Oath of Thomas aram One of the wittnesses thereunto |
Volume 748, Page 53 View pdf image |
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