Volume 748, Page 45 View pdf image |
45 James Nuthall ag.t The Defend.t to file his answere to morrow or p cesse of Contempt to issue John Quigley & al The Court Adjourned untill the Eighth of Aprill Maryland ss At a Court held for the Chancery and Provincial Court begunn on Tuesday the Eighth day of Aprill in the one and fortieth yeare of the Dominion of Cæcilius &c Annoq Domini 1673 at the Citty of st Maryes and there Continued untill the Twelveth day of the same Aprill, on which said Eighth day was p.rsent His Excellency Charles Calvert Esq Cap.t Generall and Cheif Judge in Equity Philip Calvert Esq Chancelo.r William Calvert The Hono.ble Thomas Truman & Esqs Jesse Wharton Then was Thomas Taylo.r Esq sworne one of the Justices of this Court and tooke his place accordingly Toby Wells ag.t The Defend.t having answered this Co.rt the cause was Continued untill the next Co.rt John Wright Jonathan Hopkinson ag.t This Cause was Continued untill the next Co.rt John Wright and Richard Snowden Margaret Penry ag.t The Defend.t having answered It is by the Court ordered that the hono.ble Philip Thomas Howell Calvert Esq Chancelo.r & W.m Calvert Esq doe at such time as they shall thinke and others Convenient betweene this and the next Co.rt view and peruse the answeres of the severall Defend.ts and all other papers Relating to this Cause, and make Report to the Court here the next Co.rt whether the Adm.rs of Wright have Exhibited a true and pfect Inventory of the said Wrights Estate into the office for probate of wills &c as they ought to have Done, that so the Court being fully informed thereof may doe therein as to Right and Justice apperteyne William Smith ag.t The bill was Discussed with Costs for want of psecution Richard Lad & al Henry Scarborough ag.t Richard Pery & al Henry Beedle ag.t George Wells George Wells ag.t These five Causes are Continued untill the next Co.rt Henry Beedle Francis Stocket ag.t John Blomfeild James Nuthall ag.t The Court Adjourned untill the 11.th day of November next John Quigley & Kenelm Cheseldine |
Volume 748, Page 45 View pdf image |
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