Volume 748, Page 43 View pdf image |
43 Togeather with the Sume of Thirty Three Thowsand Forty & six pownds of Tobaccoe Formerly Decreed to be paid by Neale to Balley in all Sixtie One Thowsand Five hundred and nyntye pownds of Tobacco the said James Neale is forthwith to pay unto the said John Balley It is Therefore this p.rsent day that is to say the six & Twentieth day of February in the &&&&1.th yeare of the Dominion of Cæcilius &c Annoq Dom 1672 By his Excellency Charles Calvert Esq Cheife Judge in equity the Hon.rable Phillip Calvert Esq Canc.r and the rest of their Associates Justices of the said Court And by the Power and Authority of the High and Hon.rble Court of Chancery Ordered Adjudged & Decreed That the said sev.rall orders and Reports and every thing thereon Conteyned doe stand Rattified and Confirmed by this present Decree to be Observed and performed by all the said partyes to all intents and purposes According to the Tenno.r and True Meaneing thereof And that the said James Neale Doe forthwith pay unto the Sayd John Balley the said sume of Sixtie One Thowsand Five hundred & Nynety pownds of Tobacco to him by this Court Adjudged Accordingly Wee Doe Therefore Hereby Strictly Charge and Comand you that all and ev.ry the matters and Thinges in the said Finall Judgement or Decree mentioned Specifyed and Conteyned So farre forth as the same or any of them doe in any wayes Touch or Concerne you You doe well & truely Observe performe Fulfill and Keepe to all Intents and Purposses According to the Tenno.r and true meaneing thereof And that you Pay unto the Complaynant John Balley or his Assignes The said sume of Sixtie one Thowsand Five hundred and Nynety pownds of Tobacco And this you are not in noe wise to Omitt under the pennallty thereupon ensueing Witnesse our Selfe at our Citty of S.t Maryes the &&1.th day of February in the &&&&1.th yeare of our Dominion over our said Province of Maryland Annoq Dom 1672 To his Excellency Charles Calvert Esq Cap.t Generall of Maryland and Cheife Judge in Equity The Humble Pettition of James Neale Sheweth That yo.r Peticon.r is Attorney to John Nethway of Fyall M.rchant as appeares upon Record in this Province of Maryld That there is a Decree in the Hon.rable and High Court of Chancery of this Province against yo.r Peticon.r to pay unto John Nethway & John Balley of this Province the Sume of Thirty three Thowsand forty six pownds of Tob the halfe of which is the very Debt for which your pet.r was Constituted Attorney to the said Nethway vizt to Recov.r it from the said Balley Now so it is that your pet.r Comeing to S.t Maryes to Attend the Court for their Final Determination as to the Costs and Damages And then to pay the said Balley his Just Moyetie & Costs |
Volume 748, Page 43 View pdf image |
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