Volume 740, Page 346 View pdf image |
And ye Sd pltfs bÿ thier Attrÿs afsd for replication Saÿeth yt theÿ ought not to be barred from haveing their accõn afsd because theÿ Saÿ yt She ye Sd Marÿ when Sole Did not Stand Indebted as theÿ the Sd Defts in their plea hath alleadged & therefore praÿs Judgt for their Debt & Cost &ca Earle pr qr Issue Joyned Marcklin pr qr Which pleadings & allegations on both Sides being bÿ ye Court heard & fullÿ understood It is bÿ ye Justices here Considered this Daÿ to witt this 28th Daÿ of of March anno Dñi 1704 That ye Sd Graves take nothing bÿ his writt afsd and ye Sd Whitehead goe thereof wthout Daÿ &ca It is likewise Considered pr Sd Court ( Eoder Die et Anno) yt ye Sd Whitehead have Discount as praÿed & Judgt for ye Ballance vizt yt ye Sd Whitehead recover agt ye Sd Graves as well ye Sume of three pounds four ye accot afsd & fiftÿ pounds of tobacco for a non Suit according to act of ~ assemblÿ as ye Sume of two hundred thirtÿ & fourpds of tobo for his Cost & Charges in ~ this behalfe laid out & Expanded
Certaine obligation bearing Date ye nineteenth Daÿ of July anno Dni 1703 Stood bound unto one Robt. Hill of Ceecill Count&3255 Plantr in ye Sume of Seaven hundred pds of good Tobacco to be paid to ye Sd Robt Hill att or upon ye tenth Daÿ of 8ber then next fallowing The Sd Edward ye 29th Daÿ of 9ber in year afsd att Kent – Countÿ wthin ye Jurisdiction of this Court in 9draion yt ye Sd Charles att ye Speciall ~ Instance & request of ye Sd Edward, wo’ld Satisfie to ye Sd Robt Hill ye Sd Sume of 700 assumed & unto ye Sd Charles then & there faithfullÿ prmissed yt he ye Sd Edward the Sd 700 wo’ld well & truelÿ Satisfie & paÿ and although ye Sd Charles upon hope of ye prfor= mance of ye afsd prmiss & assumption of ye Sd Edward hath Satisfied unto ye Sd Robt Hill ye afsd Sume of 700 hath taken in from ye Sd Robt. Hill yett notwthstanding ye Sd Edward his prmiss and assumption afsd Little regarding butt plotting Contriveing & Deceiptfullÿ Designeing ye Sd Charles of ye afsd 700 Defraud ye afsd Sume of 700 promise & assumption hath not paid but ye Same to him to paÿ hath Denÿed & refused & ye Same to paÿ Still Doth Denÿ & refuse to ye Damãge of ye Sd Charles 1400 And now here this Daÿ to witt ye 28th Daÿ of March Anno Dñi 1703 The Sd Deft being here in Court in his prper person, makes noe Defence at ye Sd pltf & Saÿeth yt he Can not Gainesaÿ ye pltf ye accõn afsd upon which Judgt is Granted |
Volume 740, Page 346 View pdf image |
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