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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 2288   View pdf image
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Ch 662

governing the subdivision of land within the regional
district or the respective portions of the regional district
within Montgomery or Prince George's County. The
regulations and amendments shall be adopted by the
respective governing bodies of the counties, with whatever
changes they consider appropriate, and shall be effective
from the date of adoption or from such other date the
governing body designates provided that such adoption does
not affect in any manner the administration of the
regulations by the Commission or its functions under § 7-115
hereof. If the Commission prepares or has prepared
regulations and amendments, which it presents to the
governing body of Montgomery County for appropriate action,
and such body does not approve, modify or reject the
regulations and amendments within six months from the date
of receipt thereof from the Commission, the regulations and
amendments shall be deemed approved and have the force and
effect of law. The regulations may provide for (1) the
harmonious development of the district; (2) the coordination
of roads within the subdivision with other existing planned
or platted roads or with other features of the district or
with the Commission's general plan or with any road plan
adopted or approved by the Commission as part of the
Commission's general plan; (3) adequate open spaces for
traffic, recreation, light, and air, by dedication or
otherwise, and the dedication to public use or conveyance of
areas designated for dedication under the provisions of the
zoning and subdivision regulations and for the payment of a
monetary fee, in lieu of dedication, not to exceed 5 percent
of the total assessed value of the land that is the subject
of an approved preliminary plan of subdivision to be used by
the Commission to purchase open spaces for the use and
benefit of the subdivision in cases where dedication would
be impractical, provided that when, in the judgement of the
Commission, suitable land is not available for acquisition
to serve the subdivision from which a fee has been exacted,
or if adequate open space has heretofore been acquired and
is available to serve the subdivision, then the Commission
may use the fee collected in lieu of dedication to develop
or otherwise improve land or recreational facilities that
will assist in supplying the overall recreational needs of
the subdivision, and further provided that if the
subdivision is in a municipality in Prince George's County
that is not within the metropolitan district but is within
the regional district and when requested by the municipality
the mandatory fee in lieu of dedication received by the
Commission shall be paid to and used by the municipality
either to purchase open space for the use and benefit of the
subdivision or to develop or otherwise improve land or
recreational facilities that will assist in supplying the
overall recreational and open space needs of the
subdivision; (4) the reservation of lands for schools and
other public buildings and for parks, playgrounds, and other
public purposes, provided no reservation of land for
traffic, recreation or any other public purposes as herein
provided shall continue for longer than three years without
the written approval of all persons holding or otherwise


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 2288   View pdf image
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