HARRY HUGHES, Governor 2175
WHEREAS, The last survey by the Department of General
Services in 1974 lacked uniform criteria, and is now
outdated; now, therefore, be it
Board of Public Works, through the Department of General
Services, be requested to undertake in cooperation with the
Governor's Committee to Promote Employment of the
Handicapped, the Department of State Planning, and the
Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning a survey of public
buildings designed before 1968 to determine the cost of
conversion to make existing public buildings usable by
handicapped persons; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Department of General Services be
responsible for devoloping a statewide survey of public
buildings designed prior to July 1, 1968 for submission to
the 1980 session of the General Assembly, and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to:
the Speaker of the House; the President of the Senate; Mr.
Edward L. Middleton, Secretary, Board of Public Works, 11
Bladen Street, Old Armory Bldg., Annapolis, Maryland 21404;
the Honorable J. Max Millstone, Secretary of General
Services, 301 West Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland
21201; Mr. Chester A. Troy, Sr., Chairman, Governor's
Committee to Promote Employment of the Handicapped, 2100
Guilford Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21218; Mr. Thomas W.
Schmidt, Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Planning, State
Treasury Building, Annapolis, Maryland 21404; and Mr. Saul
I. Stern, Chairman, Department of State Planning, 301 West
Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201.
Board of Public Works, through the Department of General
Services in cooperation with the Governor's Office for the
Coordination of Services to the Handicapped, the Department
of State Planning, and the Department of Budget and Fiscal
Planning, be requested to undertake a survey of all
State-owned buildings, other than those designed by the
State subsequent to 1968, to determine the modifications or
alterations required to make the programs or delivery of
services by or through the facility concerned accessible to
and usable by handicapped persons to include the cost of and
an implementation schedule for the completion of those
modifications or alterations deemed feasible; and be it
RESOLVED, That the Department of General Services be
responsible for developing the survey and the implementation
schedule for submission to the 1980 session of the General
Assembly, and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of the Resolution be sent to
Speaker of the House, the President of the Senate, the
Secretary to the Board of Public Works, the Chairman of the