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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 2725   View pdf image
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WHEREAS, The cutbacks have affected the aged in
particular; and

WHEREAS, The cutbacks have not been applied to
institutional providers but have concentrated in selected
areas; and

WHEREAS, The Governor should take into

consideration, in any future budget proposals for the

Medicaid Program, the inflation rate and the increased

rate of health care costs to avoid depriving low income,

disabled and elderly persons and foster care recipients

of vital health care services; and

WHEREAS, There appear to be gross inequities in the
criteria for eligibility; now, therefore, be it

the [[Budget and Taxation Committee of the Senate and the
Appropriations Committee of the House form a Joint
Subcommittee on Medicaid for the purpose of undertaking,
during the 1976 interim legislative period, a detailed
study of the Medicaid Program, such study to provide for
citizen participation, and with the purpose of advising
the Governor on the General Assembly intent for the FY
1978 coverage of the Medicaid Program;]] Joint Budget and

Audit Committee of the General Assembly of Maryland

undertake a detailed study, during the 1976 Interim
legislative period, of the Medicaid Program, such study

to provide for citizen participation, and with the

purpose of developing policy recommendations concerning

the State's involvement in the Medicaid Program and__the

appropriate level of State funding for fiscal year 1973;
and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Governor should take into

consideration any future budget proposals for the

Medicaid Program, the inflation rate and the increased

rate of health care costs to avoid depriving low income,

disabled and elderly persons and foster care recipients

of vital health care services; and urging the Governor to

provide adequate funding for the fiscal year 1978

coverage of the Medicaid Program; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to
[[Senator Roy Staten, Chairman of the Budget and Taxation
Committee; and to Delegate John Hargreaves, Chairman of

the House Appropriations Commitee.]] the Honorable__Steny

H. Hoyer, President of the Senate [[and]], the Honorable

John Hanson Briscoe, Speaker of the House of__Delegates,

the Honorable Marvin Mandel, Governor of the State of

Maryland, and Dr. Neil Solomon, Secretary of the

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

*Not signed by the Governor.


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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 2725   View pdf image
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