Volume 726, Page 146 View pdf image |
146 of and for the Lands and Premisses above said shall be and enure and shall be deemed adjudged and taken And is meant and intended and ^by^ all the said Parties is hereby declared to be and enure And the said Mathias Jones and his Heirs from and immediately after the suffering passing and making the same shall stand and be seised of all and singular the said Tracts Parcells or Parts of Tracts of Land and Premisses above mentioned and every Part and Parcel ^thereof^ with the Appurtenances to and for the only proper Use and Behoof of the said Samuel Theobalds his Heirs and Assigns forever and to and for no other Use Intent or Purpose whatsoever In Witness whereof the the Parties to these Presents have interchangeable sett their Hands and Seals the Day and Year first above mentioned Sam.l Theobalds (seal) Signed Sealed and Delivered Dan of S.t Tho.s Jenifer Mary Theobalds (seal) in Presence of Isaac Pavatt Mathias Jones (seal) On the Back of the aforegoing Deed was Endorsed as follows to Wit On the Ninth Day of April in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy one Came before Me the Subscriber one of his Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court the within named Samuel Theobalds Party to the within Indenture and acknowledged the same to be his Act and Deed and the Lands and Premisses within mentioned to be the Right Property and Estate of the within mentioned Mathias Jones for the Uses Intents and Purposes therein mentioned at the same Time came Personally before me Mary Theobalds also party to the within Indenture and Acknowledged the same to be her free Act and Deed for the Uses Intents and Purposes therein mentioned previous to which said acknowledgement I examined the said Mary privately out of the Hearing of her said Husband upon which said examination she the said Mary confessed being induced thereto by fear or Threats of or Ill usage by her said Husband or fear of his Displeasure Dan of S.t Tho.s Jenifer Recorded this 10th Day of April 1771 13½ sides X.d This Indenture made the thirtieth Day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy one Between Thomas Jenings of Anne Arundel County of the one part Edward Dorsey of the same County of the second part and Nathan Linthicum and Susannah his Wife of the third part Witnesseth that the said Nathan Linthicum and Susannah his Wife for the barring all Estates tail and Remainders over of and in the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments herein after mentioned and for and in Consideration of the Sum of five Shillings Sterling to them respectively in Hand paid by the said Edward at or before the Execution of these Presents the Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof acquit Exonerate and discharge the said Edward his Executors and Administrators and for divers other good Causes and Considerations them the said Nathan Linthicum and Susannah his Wife thereunto moving Have Granted bargained and Sold and by these Presents Do grant bargain and sell unto the said Edward his Heirs and Assigns all that Parcel of Plantable Land lying in Anne Arundel County contained and circumscribed within the Lines Limits and Courses following being part of a Tract Land called the Invasion lying in the sid County beginning for the said Parcel of Plantable Land at a four notched red Oak standing one hundred and forty Perches on the North eighty four Degrees West (two) |
Volume 726, Page 146 View pdf image |
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