Volume 725, Page 192 View pdf image |
(192) On the 28.th day of April 1767 Came before me the Subscriber one of his Ldsps Justices of the Provincial Court the within named William Woodward, party to the within Deed and acknowledge the same to be his Act & Deed & the Land and Premisses therein mentioned to be the Right & Estate of the within named James Hood & his heirs At the same time came Jane wife of the said William Woodward who being by me privately examined, & out of the hearing of her said Husband, declared that she freely & voluntarily relinquished & gave up all her right of Dower in & to the within mentioned Land & Premisses & that she was not induced thereto by fear or threats of her said Husband, or through fear of his displeasure Acknowledged before Dan of S.t Th.s Jenifer 1767 April 28.th Received of M.r James Hood the sum of One Shilling and Eight pence sterling for the use of Lord Baltimore being the alienation fine on the within Land and by virtue of a commission from Edward Lloyd Esq.r his said Lordships Agent and Receiver General John Brice 8½ sides Recorded the 9.th day of May 1767 Exam.d By this Public Instrument of Procuration or Letter of Attorney Be it known and manifest unto all people that on the Eighth Day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and sixty Six Before the Right Honourable Sir James Taylor Kn.t Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin and in the Presence of Richard Thwaites Notary and Tabellion Public by Royal Authority admitted and tworn dwelling in the same City personally appeared Robert Taaffe of Ardee in the County of Lowth in the Kingdom of Ireland and Achsah Taaffe otherwise Fotterell his wife only Child and Heir at Law of Edward Fottrell late of Baltimore County in the Province of Maryland deceased and also Sister and Heir at Law of Edward Fotterell and Thomas Fottrell late of Baltimore aforesaid, Which said Appearers reposing Special Trust and Confidence in John Flanagan of Philadelphia in the Province of Pensilvania in North Americai Merchant Have made ordained constituted appointed and in our place and stead depute and put and by these presents Do make ordain constitute appoint and in our place and stead depute and put the said John Flanagan to be our true and lawfull attorney for us and in our Names and to our use to Lease Let Sell Sett or demise all that and these our several Messuages Farms Lands Tenements and Hereditaments Situate (lying) |
Volume 725, Page 192 View pdf image |
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