Volume 723, Page 182 View pdf image |
182 Degrees west ten perches then with a Streight Line to the first Begining Containing and Laid out for two hundred and Eighty one Acres of Land more or Less together with all rights members Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Land and Premisses or any part or parcell thereof Belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold the said two hundred and Eighty one Acres of Land and Premisses with all and singular then Appurtenances unto him the said John Hood his heirs and Assigns for ever to the sole Proper use and Behoof of him the said John Hood his heirs and Assigns for ever & to none other use intent or purpose whatsoever and the said Richard Snowden for himself & his heirs Exec.rs Adm.rs doth hereby covenant & agree to and with the said John Hood his heirs and assigns that he the said Richard Snowden at the time of the Insealing & Delivery hereof hath in himself good right full power & Lawfull Authority to give grant bargin sell alien enfeoff and confirm the aforesaid Land and Premisses unto the said John Hood his heirs and assigns for ever & the afs.d Land and Premisses at the time of the Insealing and Delivery hereof is free and clear of and from all and every former grants Bargains Sales Mortgages and all other Incumbrances whatsoever and that this present grant and sale of the said Land and premisses to him the said John Hood his heirs and assigns for ever shall and will Warrant and Defend of and from all manor of persons whatsoever claiming any right title or interest there unto by from or under him the said Richard Snowden his heirs or assigns or by from or under him them or any of them & Lastly the said Richard Snowden Doth Covenant promise & agree for him self and his heirs Execut.rs Administ.rs to & with the said John Hood his heirs and assigns that he the said Richard |
Volume 723, Page 182 View pdf image |
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