Volume 719, Page 114 View pdf image |
114 ad.rx pursuant to the said Contract by the s.d W.m Sam.ll Chew Hath given granted Bargained sold aliened Enffeoffed and Confirmed as by these presents he doth for him and his heires give grant bargaine sell alliene Enffeof and Confirme unto them the said W.m and Sam.ll All that Computed moyety of the afd lands which Lyes to the Northward of the said Devisionall Lyne Togeather w.th all Buildings and other appurtences any wise thereunto belonging To have and to hold the same unto them that is to say) that half part of the said Computed Moyety herein before Menconed to be agreed to be the part of the said Coll.o W.m Holland to him the said W.m Holland ^and his heires for Ever and the other half part of the said Computed Moyety herein before likewise Menconed to be Agreed to be y.e parties^ them y.e s.d Sam.ll Chew ^to him the said Samuel Chew^ and heires for ever In Wittness whereof the said parties have hereunto Interchangably sett their hands and affixed their seales the Day and year first above written Rich.d Harrison (sea) Signed sealed and deliv.d in W.m Holland (sea) the presence of us Sam.ll Chew (sea) R Bradley Wornell Huntt Rob.t Hall Fra Holland Mem.d That the w.thin written Indenture with the Lands and p.rmises therein menconed was the Twentyeth day of June Annoq Dom 1709 acknowledged by the w.thin Named Rich.d Harrison W.m Holland and Sam.ll Chew to be their severall Acts and deeds and that they do acknowledge their severall (Rights) |
Volume 719, Page 114 View pdf image |
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