Volume 718, Page 865 View pdf image |
865 thousand seaven hundred & Eight w.ch sd Interest to be paid Duely at the dwelling house of the said Charles yearly and every on the sixth Day of September yearly untill y.e sd sixth day of September one thousand seaven hundred and eight then this Deed as alsoe a bill of sale being of even date herewith past for further security of the said sume of one hundred thirty three pound and tenn pence be void in law In testimenty whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals y.e day and year first above written John Coale (seal) her Johanna | . | Coale (seal) mark Sealed and Delivered in p.rsence of W.m Fitz Redmond Jam.es Carroll on y.e back of y.e afore going Deed was thus in Dorsed To m.r W.m Taylard or any other atturny of y.e Provinciall Court These are to authorise & empower yo.u or any of yo.u for us and in our names to acknowledge y.e w.thin Deed unto y.e w.thin named Charles Carroll and his heirs according to act of assembly in y.t case made & provided & for yo.r soe doeing this shall be yo.r sufficient war Given under our hands & seales y.e sixth day of september within mentioned Sealed & Delivered in y.e John Coale (seal) p.rsence of us her Jam.es Carroll Johanna I Coale (seale) W.m Fitz Redmond Maryland fs Sept.r y.e 25.th 1705 William Bladen Esq pursuant to y.e above power of att.ry beiing one of y.e att.rys of her Majestys prov.ll Court p.rsent herein Court acknowledged y.e within Deed (as |
Volume 718, Page 865 View pdf image |
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