Volume 718, Page 1036 View pdf image |
1036 Truman Called the wolfs Denn thence w.th a Line drawn west ninety six pches to a bounded black oake standing by a path side Called Mattawoman parth thence west by north ninety four pches to a bounded spanish oake standing on the east side of the north branch of Zacchiah thence north fifteen degrees east as the afd tract of Land Runneth for the length of one hund.d and thirty pches from thence w.th a line drawne East ten degrees fifteen Minitts northerly for the Length of four hundred and Eighty four pches & untill it intersects the south and by East Line of the afd tract of Land Called the forrest from thence runing south by east as the afd tract of Land Runeth for the Length of two hundred pches to a bounded spanish oake it being a bounded tree of a parcell of Land Lately in y.e possession of W.m Barton Called Bartons hope thence south by west as the said tract of Land Runneth for the Length of fifty four pches thence w.th a streight Line as the afd Tract of Land Runeth to the first bounded tree Cant.a & now Laid out for by Estimation for seven hundred acres of Land being part of the afd tract of Land Called the Forrest Cont.a by survey one thousand forty five acres of Land as by y.e afd Deed of James Bigger & Marg.tt his wife to the said George Spicer relation being thereunto had may more at Large appear To have and to hold the afd parcell of Land Cont.a seven hundred acres be the same more or Less butted & bounded as afd (and) |
Volume 718, Page 1036 View pdf image |
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