Volume 717, Page 892 View pdf image |
892 (866 This Indenture made this twenty second day of July Annoq Domini 1698 Betweene Georg Plater of the Province of Maryland Esq.r of the one parte and Benjamin Hatly of London in the Kingdome of England merchant of the other parte Witnesseth that the said George Plater for and in Consideraton of the sume of two hundred and Eighty pounds of Lawfull and Currant mony of England to him in hand well and trully paid or secured to bee paid by the said Benjamin Hatly at or before the ensealeing and delivery of these p.rsents the receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged And thereof every parte and parcell thereof doth hereby aquitt exondrate and discharge him the s.d Benjamin Hatly by these p.rsents Hath given granted aliened bargained sold enffeoffed and confirmed and by these p.rsents Doth fully freely and absolutely give grant bargaine sell alien enffeoffe and confirme unto him the said Benjamin Hatly his heires and assignes for ever All that Tract or parcell of Land called Staffords Free Hould lying on the North side of Pattuxent River begining at a Cedar tree standing at the mouth of a Creeke called S.t Johns Creeke bounding on the south w.th the said River of Pattuxent from the said Cedar to a marked Red oake for the breadth ^of^ one hundred twenty eight perches on the east with a Line drawne north from the said oake for the Length of one hundred twenty five perches to a marked Gumme and from a Gumme by a line Drawne North East for sixty perches to a Red oake standing on the Banke of S.t Johns Creeke and keeping along the south and east sides of the said Creeke to the first marked Cedar conteyning seventy acres more or lesse And allsoe all that Tract or Parcell of Land Called Moorely lying on the north side of Pattuxent River Begining at a marked oake being the Bound of Staffords Freehold and runing East by the River side for the length of one hundred seventy five perches to a marked oake bounding on the east with a line drawne North from the said oake for the Length of five hundred perches on the North with a Line Drawne West from the said oake to Staffords Freehold on the west with the said Land on the south with the said River containing Four Hundred Acres more or lesse both which parcells of Land are now in the Tenure or Occupation of the aforesaid George Plater Together with all Messuages Tenements or Dwelling Houses Edifices buildings Barnes stables out houses Tobacco Houses Backsides Gardens and Orchards to the said two tracts or parcells of Land belonging or in any wise appurtaining and all Timber and Tymber Trees wayes passages Woods underwoods Fences Rents Easements Comodities Hereditaments and Apurtanances what soever to the said two Tracts or parcells of Land belonging or in anywise appertaining or accepted reputed taken demised used occupyed or enjoyed as part parcell or member thereof and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and Proffits whatsoever of all and singular the before mentioned parcells of Land to bee hereby bargained premisses with theire and every of theire apurtenances and every parte and parcell thereof and all and singuler the Estate right Title Interest use possession rent propertie Inheritance claime and demand whatsoever of him the said George Plater of in or to the said two Tracts or parcells of Land Messuages Tenements or Dwelling Houses Edifices buildings Barnes stables out Houses Tobacco Houses backsides yards Gardens and Orchards before mentioned to bee hereby bargained premisses with theire and every of theire apurtenances and every parte and parcell thereof Together with all Deeds writeings pattents evidences and muniments whatsoever touching or concerning the same or any part or parcell thereof To have and to hold the said two Tracts or parcells of Land Called Staffords Free Hold and Moorely with all the mesuagess tenements Dwelling Houses Ediffices Buildings barnes stables out houses Tobacco houses backsides yards Gardens and Orchards and all and singuler other the premisses herein before mentioned or intended to be hereby given granted aliened bargained sould enffeoffed and confirmed with theire and every of theire apurtenances and every part and parcell thereof unto him the said Benjamin Hatly his Heires and assignes To the onely proper use and behoofe of him the said Benjamin Hatly his Heires and assignes for ever And the s.d George Plater for himselfe and his heires doth hereby covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said Benjamin Hatly and his Heires that he the said George Plater in himself now hath good wright full power and Lawfull athourity to give grant alien bargaine sell enfeoffe and confirme all and singular the aforementioned premisses with their and every of their apurtenances and every parte and parcell thereof unto him the said Benjamin Hatly his Heires and assignes for ever According |
Volume 717, Page 892 View pdf image |
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