Volume 717, Page 756 View pdf image |
756 Till it Meete with the Land of John Abington on the North And thence along the said Abingtons Land with A Lyne Drawn west to A Branch And with the said Branch to the first bounded tree Containeing the quantity of one hundred Acres be the same More or Less together with all and singular the woods underwoods timber and timber trees And all & singular the Rights proffitts benefitts perquisitts and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appartaineing (Royall Mines Excepted) As in and by the Last Recited Deed of Bargaine and seale Relacon being thereunto alsoe had More at Large appeareth And Wheres (alsoe the said John Groves) by his Deed Indented of bargaine & seale or feoffment und.r his hand & seale beareing Date the Seaventeenth Day of November in the tenth yeare of the Dominion of the Right Hon.ble Charles &c And in the yeare of our ^Lord^ God one thousand six hundred and Eighty for the Consideracon in the same deed Menconed Did Give grant Alien bargaine sell Enfeoffe and Confirme unto the said John Galwith his heirs and Assignes for Ever all those two Last Menconed parcells of Land bounding as aforesaid Containeing in the whole three hundred and fifty Acres of Land More or Less Together with all Rights proffitts and Benefitts To the said two severall p.rcells of Land belonging or in any wise appertaineing as by the Last recited Deed Relation being thereunto had More plainely and at Large appeareth And Whereas Alsoe the aforesaid William Turner and Joyce his said Wife by their Other deed of bargaine And seale or feoffm.t und.r their hands and seales beareing date the sixteenth Day of March In the tenth yeare of the Dominion of the Right hon.ble Charles &c And in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred Eighty & foure for the Consideracon in the same Deed menconed did give grant alien bargaine sell Enfeoff and Confirme unto the said John Galwith his heirs and Assignes for Ever all that one hundred Acres of Land being part of the above Menconed parcell of Land formerly granted unto W.m Bramall And Called by the Name of Bramall Begining at A Marked White Oake standing by Hunting Creeke side And Runing North North East One hundred fifty & six p.rches to A bounded white Oake And thence North west Eighty three perches And from the End of the north west Lyne one hundred fifty six p.rches south south west And then south east to the first bounded tree Containeing and then Laid out for one hundred Acres of Land More or Less Together with all Rights proffitts and beniffitts thereunto belonging (Royall Mynes Excepted) as by the Last Recited Deed Relacon being thereunto had More at Large appeareth And Whereas alsoe the said Right Hon.ble Charles &c.a Did by his other Letters pattents under the great seale then used used in the said Province of Maryland for granting of Lands there beareing Date at S.t Maryes the Eighth and Twentieth Day of May in the five and Thirtieth yeare of the Dominion of the said Right Hon.ble Ceecilius ex Annoq Dm 1667 for the Consideracon therein menconed Grant unto one Griffin George A parcell of Land Called Georges Desire Lyeing on the North side of Puttuxant River at the head of A Creeke Called Hunting Creeke on the west of the Creeke And Runing from the said Oake North west fifty perches to A parcell of Land of James Willsons bounded on the north with the said willsons Land for the Length of one hundred and sixty perches bouned on y.e east from y.e aforesaid Creeke one the south with the said Branch one sixty perches till it Intersects A parcell of Land parellell from the first Marked Oake Conteineing and then Laid out for fifty Acres More or Less Together with all Rights proffitts and Beneffitts thereunto belonging (Royall Mynes Excepted) To have and To hold the same unto him the said Griffin George his heirs and Assignes for Ever to be holden of his Lordshipp And his heirs as of his Lordships Mannor of Pattuxant in free and Comon soccage by fealty onely for all Mannor |
Volume 717, Page 756 View pdf image |
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