Volume 717, Page 752 View pdf image |
752 (742 Creek which Comes one of Puttuxant River with South West & by South Lyne being Marked with A Line of duble Marked trees by us Esteemed and declared to the divisionall Lyne beetweene the said Countyes According to the directions of the said Law In Testimony whereof wee have hereunto subscribed our names the day and yeare above written Jo.n Bayne By his Excell.cy the Governo.r & Councill May y.e 4.th 1696 James Bigger The Within Returne together with M.r Masons Letter touching the same herewith sent are Referred to the Consideracon of the house Signed p Ord.r Hen Denton Clk Cou.t Aprill 12.th 1696 May it pleas yo.r Excellency S.r These are to informe yo.r Excellency that the 7.th of this Instant was the Day appointed by the persons Nominated in the Act of Assembly for the deviding of S.t Maryes and Charles Countyes In order thereunto I went up and tooke the Surveyo.r of our County alsoe of Charles County and had alsoe A Woodsman with us Which by Relation of Most people that knew him Could Direct us at Once into a verry small Matter without prejudice to Either County his Name is John Burroughs A liver in Puttuxant Wee mett at the place Concluded on to Take our departure and Requested the Woodsman to Direct us the exactest Course where we were to Come at Petuxant side And desired alsoe the Surveyo.rs to Lett the poynt of their Compass which when and don was NNE Cap.t Bayne hee imedietly falls out into A passion and swares that he would stand nor allow of that Course nor NE Neither Nor would not agree to Runn according to the Express words of the Act of Assembly which is from the branch of Shedds Creek to the branch of Indian And the Reason as I was Infirmed after by A Gentleman Concerne that he would Make what difference he Could to Avoid the devission of the Countyes by Reason he said Wee had two Much in S.t Maryes County & hee would not doubt at Next Assembly to alter the Lawe & have More in Charles County I thought good to give yo.r Excellency this Account for the time of Devission Every shore And to acquaint y.u alsoe I have given y.t my due attendence there and that noe other person else in the Law that Is Nominated but not did agree this 14.th instant understand they are to devide Prince George and Charles County where he is alsoe Concerned I wish May better agree I thought I was oblidged to give yo.r Excellency an account as soone as I Could therefore hope y.u will please to pardon my Rude stile soe wishing your Excellency health I am your Excelllencyes Humble serv.t Rob.t Mason Maryland fs to his Excellency the Governo.r and Councill Ap.ll 22.d 1696 By vertue of an Act of Assembly Made at A sessions began y.e eighth day of May Anno Dm 1695 Wherein Wee William Coursey and Simon Willmer are appointed to Call before us y.e Surveyo.r of the County to see y.e division Line Rune between the Countyes Countyes of Talbot and Kent According to the bounds in the said Act Expressed doe hereby humble Certifie that pursuent to the said Act Wee did upon the Twelvfth day of feb.ry last Call before us the Surveyo.r and upon the head of y.e Maine branch of Corsica Creek formerly called the Mill branch be did beguin to Runn the East line as by the said Act is Expressed Which wee saw Continued to the Maine Branch of Tuckahoe Creek and Marked with A duble line of Trees w.ch said branch is A very Miery ^thick^ branch and A long way over and the further being then extrordinary high Wee Coulds not possible gett over And haveing mett since in order to Continue the said Rent but the snowes and Raines falling More then usuall this spring did |
Volume 717, Page 752 View pdf image |
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