Volume 717, Page 670 View pdf image |
670 (660 hereof by the said John Craycroft The receipt whereof the said Philip Lynes and Margaret his Wife doe hereby acknowledge accordingly and themselves to be thereof and therewith satisfied and thereof and of every part thereof doe clearly acquite exonorate and discharge the said John Craycroft his heires executors and administrato.rs and every of them for ever by these presents They the said Philip Lynes and Margaret his wife have granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these presents doe grant bargaine sell alien enfeoffe and confirme unto the said John Craycroft and his heires All that parcell of Towne land lying nearest Together about y.e fort of S.t Marys and Comonly called the Governo.r feild bounding on the West with S.t Georges River on the north with S.t Marys bay on the East with the mill Creeke to the distance of about Forty five pches above the mill where the freehold of S.t Peters and the Chappell land Meetes in one Angle & on the South with the said Chappell land by a right line drawne from the said Angle Easterly unto S.t Georges river Conteyning One hundred acres or thereabouts be it more or less And Likewise all that parcell of Forrest land bounding on the North with Trinity bay on the East with a Right line drawne from the head of a little Creeke in the said bay called Nortons Creeke unto the head of a branch of broad Creeke Called James branch on the south with the said branch and Creeke and in the west with Potomack River Conteyning Six hundred Acres more or less And Likewise one other parcell of land Forrest land bounding on the North with the said broad Creeke on the East with a right lyne drawne from the head of James branch in the said Creeke through the woods due south East Untill it fall upon a Creeke runing into Chesepaike bay Called The Deepe Creeke and along the said Creeke to the head thereof and thence over the Woods unto the head of a Creeke runing into Potomack River called the Oyster Creeke on the south with y.e said Oyster Creeke on the west with Potomack River Conteyning nine hundred acres be the same More or less And Likewise one other parcell of Forrest land bounding one the north with the said Creeke Called Deepe Creeke and Oyster Creeke and including all the residue of the Neck betweene Potomack River on the West Chesepaike bay on the East and S.t Michaells point on the south Conteyning Fifteene hundred Acres or thereabouts be it More or less all which said land are lying and being in S.t Marys County and ware granted by pattant bearing Date the Thirtieth day of August 1634 Unto Leonard Calvert Esq.r deceased and the last three Tracts Erected into Mannars by the said pattent the first parcell to be one Entire Mannor and called by the name of Trinity Manno.r The second and Intire Mannor and called by the name of S.t Gabriells Mannor And the third to be one Intire Mannor also and called by the Name of S.t Michaells Mannor with priviledge within every or any of the said mannors to keepe Court Leet and Court Barron with all things in the said Courts or Either of them belonging or by the law or Custom of England And also all that Neck of land lyeing Nearest togeather about Kentfort bounding on the East West and South with Chesepaik bay on the North with a line drawn through the woods streight East Begining at the North Eastern branch of the Creeke Called North West Creeke & Ending in a Swampe on the East side of the said Neck in Chesepaike bay Coteyning and layd out in the whole for one Thousand Acres More or less and lying upon the Isle of Kent and Called by the Name of Kent fort Mannor And all that Neck of land called doggs neck scituate lying and being in Charles County on the south side of Piscattoway river Begining at a Marked Hickery standing by a Marsh upon the river Side and runing West downe the river the length of Three hundred perches thence South downe the river the length of Three hundred perches to the mouth of a Creeke called Chinguamuxen Creeke bounding on the North with the said Creeke runing East six hundred pches on the East with a line drawne North North west from the End of the East line to the first Marked hickory on the West by the said river Conteyning and then layd out for Four hundred and fifty Acres More or less And Also another parcell of land lying upon the said river to the East of the said Neck by the said Creeke Begining at a Cedar standing in an Indian feild runing south up the said Creeke for the breadth of one hundred pches to a Marked Oake by a Marsh side bounding on |
Volume 717, Page 670 View pdf image |
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