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620 (610 or any three of you as afsd to issue out such warrants precepts and process and to hear and examine upon oath such evidences and witnesses on both sides as shall appear or produced before you or you shall think necessary for your better information and due examinacon hereof And haveing fully examined heard and proved the severall allegacons Evidences and Testimonyes on both sides with all things thereunto relateing then to give your full and finall doome sentence & determinacon therein according to law and Justice and to the best of your Judgm.t cuning skill and Knowledge and after Judgment Execution or other process to award and in all things relateing to the p.rmisses and the due administracon of Justice therein you or any three or more of you as afsd are hereby fully authorized & impowerd to act & doe as fully amply and largely to all intents & purposes as any Court of Admiralty within this our ^sd^ Province heretofore hath done of right may or ought to doe and Wee doe hereby Nominate and appoint John Lluellin to be your Clk for the due takeing entring kipping and Recording your proceedings a true Coppy whereof attested und.r the hand of your sd Clk you are to transact into our Secretaryes office of our sd Province there to Remaine alsoe upon Reccord to Futurity To have hold occupy Exercise and enjoy the powers Priviledged and Authorityes hereby given and granted unto you the sd Nicholas Greenbury John Addison John Courts and John Brookes or any three of you as afsd for and dureing the terme & space of Kalandary Months from the Comencement or begining of the sd Court or untill Wee or our Leuten.t Genn.ll or Cheefe Govern.r under the great seale of our sd Province of Mayland the 13.th day of Septemb.r in the 4.th yeare of our Reign &c.a Annoq.r Domini 1692 Witness our Trusty and well beloved Lionel Copley Esq.r our Cap.t Gen.ll Governo.r in Cheife & Cheife Admirall of our Province and Territory of Maryland afsd Att which said twelveth day of October afsd the severall Justices afsd haveing severally taken theire oathes of allegiance & abhorance and the oath of Justices of the sd Court & the sd John Llewellin being sworne Clk of the sd Court appeared as well the sd David Mills James Robertson Andw Barnes & John Grosse by George Plater theire Attorny Procurator as the sherriffe of Talbott County afsd made his returne to this court of the precept Following (viz.t) William & Mary by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King & Queen Defend.rs of the Faith &c To the Sherriffe of Talbott County Greeting Whereas Davis Mills James Robertson Andrew Barnes and John Grosse Maryners and saylers of the shipp Ann of Newcastle in the Kingdome of England whereof at p.rsent James Aderson is Master & whereof one John Cape was M.rchant and one Francis Partis and Comp.a now resident in England are supposed owners have humbly supplicated us to bee Releived against the sd shipp now Riding at Anchor in Great Choptank River in the sd County for their wages due from the sd shipp & to have the sd shipp & Furniture and boates to the same belonging arrested & brought to Judgm.t for payment of the sd wages seamen wage in our Court of Admiralty in our sd Province Wee doe therefore hereby comand you that you arrest the sd shipp and alsoe all her apparell Tackle & Furniture as her boates & sloopes to her Belonging and the same in your Custody safely to secure and likewise that you sumons the sd Francis Partis and Comp.a James Anderson and John Cape or any other having or pretending to have any Right ^or^ interest in the sd shipp & furniture boates & sloopes as afsd if in you Bayliwick that they be and appear before us in our Court of Admiralty to be held at our Citty of S.t Maryes the 12.th day of Octob.r next if to them or any of them it shall seeme conveniant to answer the complaint of the sd David Mills James Robertson Andrew Barnes & John Grosse and that you certifye us in our sd Court at the day & place afsd how you shall execute this our precept and this you may in noe wise obteine & have you there this writt Witness our Trusty & well beloved Lionell Copley Esq.r Cap.t Gen.ll & Govern.r in Cheife in and over o.r Province & Territory of Maryland the 13.th day of Septemb.r in the 4.th yeare of o.r Reigne Anno Domini 1692 L Copley on the back |
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