Volume 717, Page 415 View pdf image |
415 (406 Trade and in pursuance off the authoritÿ and direction to us given by the Right honrab y.e Lord high trear off England have Deputed & Impoured and doe hereby Depute & Impower Nehemiah Blackinston to bee Collect.r off all the Rates Dutyes & Impsicons arising and growing due to his Maj.tyes in the Rivers of Wicocomoco and Potomock and the Creekes and rivuletts there unto Belonging Within his province off Marÿland by vertue off the said act Wherebÿ he hath power to Enter into anÿ ship bottome boate or other vessell as also into anÿ shop house warehouse hosterÿ or other place Whatsoever to Make Dilligent search into any trunke packe Case Chest truss or anÿ other parcell or package Whatsoever for anÿ goods wares or merchandizes prohibited to bee Exported or Imported or Whereoff the Customes or other Dutyes have Nott Been Duely paid and the same to seize to his Maj.tyes use and also to putt in Execution all other the Lawfull powers and authoritÿes for the better Manageing & Collecting the said Dutyes in all things proceeding as the Lawe directs hereby prayeing & requiereing all and Everÿ his Maj.tyes officers and Ministers and all others Whom itt maÿ Concerne to bee aiding and assisting to him in all things as becometh Given under our hands & seale att the Custome house London this six and twentÿeth day of September Anno Domini 1685 and in first yeare off the Reigne off our soveraing Lord King James the second &c Ch Cheyne D North Jo Werden W.m Butler worth W.m Dickinson W.m Dickinson T Chudleigh On the back side off the afor Comission was Endorsed as foll viz.t Att a Councill Novemb.re 19.th 1686 MaryLand ff Came M.r Nehemiah Blakinston and produced the Within Comission and here Made oath upon the holÿ Evangelists thatt since the said Comission hath Come to his hands hath to the best off his skill Well & truely Executed the same and Likewise that for the future he will to the best off his knowledge Well & truely Execute the said Comission according to the true intent there off Jam Heath Clk Counsill To all People to Whom these presents shall Come Wee the Commissioners for Manageing and Causing to bee Leavied and Collected his Maj.tyes Customes subsides and other dutyes in this his kingdome off England send greeting Know ÿee thatt Wee the said Comm.rs by virtue off an act of parliament Made in the 25.th yeare off his Late Maj.tyes Reigne intituled an act for the Encouragem off the Eastland and Greenland trades and for the better secureing the plantation trade and In pursuance off the authoritÿ and Direction to us given by the Right honorab the Lord high trear off England have Deputed and Impowred and doe hereby depute and Impower George Layfield to bee Controoller and survey.r off all the rates dutyes & Impositions arising and growing due to his Maj.tyes in his province off MarÿLand by virtue off the said act Wherebÿ hee hath power to Enter into anÿ ship bottom boate or other Vessell and also into anÿ shop house Warehouse hosterÿ or other |
Volume 717, Page 415 View pdf image |
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