Volume 717, Page 413 View pdf image |
413 (404 On the Backe side off the afor receited Deed was Endosed as followeth viz.t Memorandum the 5.th daÿ off March 1686 Then Came Coll Henry Darnall and Aknowledged the within Deed to bee the act & Deed off him the said Henry Darnall and the act and Deed off the With named Robert Brooke according to the power given him by Letter of attornÿ as in the Deed is Mentioned acknowledge the same the daÿ & ÿear aforesaid to the with named Major Nicholas Sewall Before us Vincent Lowe W.m Digges This Indenture Made the Third day off March in the twelft yeare off the Dominion off the right hono.ble Charles Absolutue Lord and prop.ry off the provinces off Maryland and Avalon Lord Barron off Baltemore &c and in the year off Lord God one thousand six hundred Eightÿ six Betweene William Digges off the Cittÿ off S.t Maryes in the province off Maryland Esq.r off the one parte and Francis Pennington off S.t Innagoes in S.t Maryes Countÿ Gent on the other parte Witnesseth that the said Francis Pennington for and in Consideracon off the sume off three thousand pounds off tobacco to him in hand paid by the said William Digges before the Ensealing and deliverÿ of these presants the receipt whereoff and off Every parte and parcell thereoff the said Francis Pennington doth hereby acknowledge and thereoff Doth Clearly and absolutelÿ acquitt Exonerate and discharge the the said William Diggs his Execut.r and administrators by these presents and for Divers other goods Causes and Valluable Consideracons him thereunto Moving have Given Granted aliened Bargained and sold and by these presents Doth Give Grannt aliene bargaine sell Enfeoffe and Confirme unto the W.m Diggs his heyres and assignes For Ever all thatt tract parcell of divident off Land Lyeing and beeing in the Cittÿ of S.t Maryes being parte off a greater tract off Land here to fore in the possession off and Comonly knowne by the name off the prists Land Begining att the Estermost bounds off three acres off Land formerly belonging to Leonard Calvert Esq.r and since his Death alienated to Leiu.t William Smith butt now in the possession off Garett Vansweringen and runing south thirtÿ six perches to the south side off a branch called Chappell branch thence runing with the said branch north west and by west five degrees westerly Twelve pearches thence North North west by the side off the said branch thirty fouer perches to the Beeche by S.t Maryes river (allias) S.t Georges river thence runing with the aforesaid river north seaventeene pearches to the said three acres thence with the said acres East fowerty pearches to the first bound Conteyning by Estimacon six acres more or Lesse with all and Every the Lands tenements houses Ediffices buildings orchards Gardens Easements and appurtenances Whatsoever to the same or any parte or parcell there off belonging or appurteining To have and to hold the said Land and premisses to the said W.m Diggs his heyres and assignes for Ever and to the only proper Use and Behooffe off the said William Digges his heires and assignes for Ever And the said Francis Pennington for himselfe his heyres Executors and adm.rs doth Convenant and agree to and w.th the said W.m Digges his heyres Execut.rs &Adm.rs thatt |
Volume 717, Page 413 View pdf image |
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