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19 or Executeing the same In Witnes whereof the partyes first Above named have to these p.rsent Indentures Interchangeably sett to theire hands and Seales the day and Yeare first Above Written Sealed and Delivered Thomas Taillor Sealed in the p.rsence of Robert Ridgely Jn.o Blomfeild On the Backside of the Foregoing Deed was thus written (Viz.t) Aprill the Twenty Seaventh One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy Seaven the within written Deed was by the within named Thomas Taillor Acknowledged in Open Court to the uses therein named Jn.o Blomfeild Cl Cur provinc This Indenture made the second day of March in the Thirty Eighth yeare of the Dominion of Cæcilius Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore &c Annoq Domi One Thousand Six hundred Sixty Nine Betweene William Calvert of Calverts Rest in the County of S.t Maryes Esq.r on the One part and Marke Blomfeild of the same County aforesaid of the Other part Witnesseth That the Said William Calvert Esq.r for and in Consideracon of Sixteene hundred pounds of Good Tobacco in Caske to him in hand paid att and before the Sealing and Delivery of these p.rsents by the Said Marke Blomfeild the Receipt whereof the Said William Calvert Doth hereby Acknowledge and himselfe therewith fully Satisfied Contented and paid and thereof and of Every part and parcell thereof Doth hereby Absolutely and Clearly Exonerate Acquitt and Discharge the Said Marke Blomfeld his heyres Exec.rs Adm.rs and Assignes for Ever by these p.rsents hath Given Granted Bargained Aliened Sold Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these p.rsents doth fully Clearly and Absolutely Give Grant Bargaine A Sell Alien Enfeoffe and Confirme unto him the Said Marke Blomfeld his Heyres and Assignes for Ever All that parcell ^or Tract^ of Land which the Said Marke Blomfeld now Liveth on Situated Lyeing and Being on the East Side of the Govern.rs Creeke in Trinity Manno.r in S.t Michaels Hundred and County aforesaid Beginning att A Bounded Oake Standing by the Creeke Side Above Specified by an old Fence Close by the Cleare Ground and Running South East and by South to an other bounded Oake Standing by the Side of the Fence bounding on the East North East and East South East by the Side of the Cleare Ground to A Bounded Oake that Standeth att the head of A Branch that falleth into the Said Creeke on the West with the said Creeke on the south with the first South East and by South line Conteyning and now laid Out for Ninety Acres more or lesse Together with all and Singuler the Rights and Benefitts thereunto belonging or in anywise Concerning the p.rmisses or any part or parcell of them with all Houses Edifices Buildings Orchards and Gardens whatsoever thereunto Belonging with all and Singuler the Rights Members Jurisdictions Priveledges Profitts or Benefitts apperteyning or belonging thereunto To have and To Hold the said Tract or parcell of Land and all and Singuler the Bargained Premisses unto him the said Mark Blomfeld his heyres and Assignes for Ever And the said William Calvert for himselfe his heyres Exec.rs and Adm.rs Doth hereby Covenant and Grant to and with the Said Marke Blomfeld his heyres and Assignes That he the said William Calvert his heyres Exec.rs and [illegible] Tract of Land and all other the Bargained Premisses unto him the said Mark Blomfeld his heyres and Assignes Against all manner of person or persons whatsoever Claiming by from or under him them and Every of them Shall and will for Ever hereafter warrant and defend these p.rsents He the Said Marke Blomfeld Yeilding and Paying therefore yearly unto the said William Calvert his heyres Exec.rs or Adm.rs att the Mansion house of the Said William Calvert in Calverts Rest att or upon the Tenth day of October Nine Bushells of Good Indian Corne four Poultrey and One Barrell of Corne for Heriott and in Case the said yearly Rent be behind and unpaid Tenn Dayes before or after the Said time of payment That then it Shall and may be lawfull to and for the said William Calvert his heyres Exec.rs Adm.rs or Assignes to Distraine upon the premisses And for want of A sufficient Distresse there to be had to Reenter and the same to hold and Enjoy as his or theire former Estate And further the Said Marke Blomfeld shall do Service to the Court of the Said William Calvert his heyres and other aforesaid att his or their Name of Calvert Rest aforesaid as often as it shall be Kept there att or upon the reasonable sumons or warning In Witness whereof the partyes to these p.rsents have hereunto Interchangeably set to theire hands & fixed theire Seales the Day and Yeare above written Signed Sealed and Delivered W.m Calvert Sealed in the p.rsence of us Samuell Neile The marke of Henry Smith |
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