Volume 717, Page 132 View pdf image |
123) 132 in the same Rights as she was at the time of the deceased of the said William Clawe and may is hereby Impowered to sell and dispose thereof for her future Livelyhood & maynteinance as to her shall seeme meete Michael Rockford of Saint Maryes County marchant and seaven and twenty yeares or thereabouts sworne sayeth That the Deponent being arrived in England & being at the Citty of London in or about the moneth of September in the yeare One thousand six hundred seaventy seaven and now Last past Did meete w.th one Alexander Younger w.th whome this Depon.t had form.r acquaintance upon the Exchange in London hee the said Alexander Younger Invited the Deponent and one M.r John Griggs to the Fleece Taverne in Cornhill to give us Our welcome to Towne in a Glasse of wyne and being there mett This Depon.t told him the said Alexander Younger that hee had lately before his Departure from the Province seene Sarah Younger to whome the said Alexander had beene as this Deponent heard Marryed and that she the said Sarah was in good health and did remember her selfe to him To which hee answered w.th seaver.ll greate Oathes That she the said Sarah was not his Wife and that hee was never marryed but that she was his Whore and that hee had never any other Wife but One and the same Wee should see before wee parted and thereupon hee invited us to his Lodgings in Cornwell and shewed us a Gentlewoman whome hee swore was his Wife and called her Wife and she owned him for her husband and there wee stayed the drinking two bottles of Wyne And that this Depon.t saw there two small Children One of about five and the other of about two yeares of age as this Depon.t to bee it And that hee Owned the said Children by the said Gentlewoman whome hee owned for Wife And further this Deponent sayth not Michael Rockford Sworne first day of March 1677 Before me Philip Calvert John Griggs of Calvert County aged forty seaven yeares or thereabouts sworne sayth That this Deponent being in England in the yeare One Thousand six hundred seaventy seaven was in the Citty of London some time in the moneth of September & walking upon ye Exchange with one M.r Michael Rockford Wee hapened to meet one Alexander Younger a person that the Depon.t Knew very well in this Province The said Young.r invited us both to the fleece Taverne in Cornhill And in drinking two or three bottles of wine the said Younger tooke an Occasion to speake of his wife that he had in London whereupon the Depon.t Answered and what say you to your wife in Maryland The said Alexander Younger Replyed againe and said Danme her for a Whore Doe you thinke that I ever Tooke her for my wife or words to that Effect; further the said Young.r invited the Depon.t to his house w.ch hee said was in S.t Thomas Apostles parrish where I might see his Wife and Childe This Deponent went according to appointment Two seaverall times but found not any body at the house but the third time I went and found an Ancient Woman and a Girle about seaven or Eight yeares old much favouring the said Younger Who Answered mee that her father and mother were both gone abroad which makes this Deponent thinke it was the said Youngers daughter And further sayth not Jurat 4.th Octob.r 1679 Coram me C Baltemore |
Volume 717, Page 132 View pdf image |
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