24° East, 240 feet to the end of the third line of the
land that was conveyed by Prentice DeBerry, et ux. to
Ernest H. Shotwell, et ux., by deed dated November 13,
1968, and recorded in Liber No. 289, folio 391, one of
the said Land Records; and running thence with the third
line reversed and second line reversed of said Shotwell
property, said stake also standing in the first line of
Parcel 2 of aforementioned Kloepfel property; and running
with the said first line of Parcel 2, South 63° 30' East,
344.97 feet to a stake standing at the beginning of
Parcel 1 of said Kloepfel property; thence running with
the first line of Parcel 1 of said Kloepfel property
South 62° 45' East, 20 feet to the beginning of the land
that was conveyed by Helen C. Mahaffey, widow, et al. to
H. Crowder Wilt of Garrett County, Maryland, by deed
dated November 4, 1965, and recorded in Liber No. 268,
folio 73, one of the said Land Records; thence running
with the fourth, third, and second lines of said Wilt
property in reverse, South 24°, West, 216.21 feet; South
66° East 100 feet; and North 24° East, 210.53 feet to a
stake standing at the end of the first line of said Wilt
property, said stake also standing in the first line of
the first parcel of the aforementioned Kloepfel property;
thence with the first, second and third line of of Parcel
1, and the third line of Parcel 2 of said Kloepfel
property running South 62° 45' East, 998.54 feet; South
30° 51" West, 396.61 feet; and North 66° West, 1554.30
feet to the beginning, containing 14.65 acres, more or
less, moving Corporation line to annex the entire
property of Harvey Development.
Annexation of Oak Park, November 2, 1970
Beginning at a stake in the line of a wire fence;
said stake standing South 67° 00' East 660.0 feet from
the beginning corner of Military Lot No. 860, and running
thence from said beginning stake, along a wire fence,
South 22° 27' West 666.78 feet to a fence post at the
intersection of fences; thence along a fence, South 65°
59' East 645.96 feet to a buried stone projecting about
fourteen inches above the ground, at the intersection of
fences and in the third line of Military Lot No. 860;
thence with part of said third line, North 22° 52' East
609.61 feet to a fence post, it being the fourth corner
of the 0.5 of an acre parcel that was conveyed by Merrill
C. Crane and wife, to Harold C. Ashby and wife, by deed
dated August 26, 1954, and recorded in Liber P. L. D. No.
186, folio 207, one of the Land Records of Garrett
County, Maryland; thence with the third and second lines
reversed of Harold C. Ashby's 0.5 of an acre parcel,
North 67° 00' West 115.5 feet to an iron pipe; North 23°
00' East 189.0 feet to an iron pin in the middle of a