1. Extension of Terms of Present Commissioners
The terms of the members of the Commission on
Appellate Judicial Selection and the eight
Commissions on Trial Court Judicial Selection
are extended until their successors are duly
2. Rescission on Previous Executive Order
The Executive Orders issued by me dated July
6, 1970, July 17, 1970, and April 21, 1971,
relating to the Commission on Appellate
Judicial Selection and the Commissions on
Trial Court Judicial Selection are rescinded.
3. Appellate Judicial Nominating Commission
(a) Creation and Composition
The Appellate Judicial Nominating
Commission is created as part of the
executive Department. It consists of 13
persons and a non—voting Secretary,
chosen as follows:
(1) One person, who shall be the Chairman,
shall be appointed by the Governor. The
Chairman may but need not be a lawyer,
and shall be selected from the State at
large. He may not be an elected State
official or a full-time employee of the
(2) One person shall be appointed by the
Governor from each of the six Appellate
Judicial Circuits, and shall be a
resident and registered voter in the
circuit from which he is appointed.
These persons may not be lawyers,
elected State officials, or full—time
employees of the State.
(3) One person, who shall be a member of the
Maryland Bar, shall be elected by the
members of the Maryland Bar in each of
the six Appellate Judicial Circuits.
The elections in each circuit shall be
conducted by the State Court
Administrator pursuant to rules
promulgated by the Court of Appeals.
(4) The State Court Administrator is, ex
officio, the non—voting Secretary of the