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Session Laws, 1973
Volume 709, Page 2311   View pdf image
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MIDDLETOWN                                           2311

Frederick County, Maryland, and from the owners of not less than 25% of the
assessed valuation of the real property located in the area to be annexed and the
signatures thereto and all other matters contained in said Petition have been duly
verified, such Petition being on file among the records of said municipal

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That pursuant to the authority of
Article 11-E of the Constitution of Maryland, and Section 19 of Article 23-A of
the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957 (1966 Replacement Volume), the
boundaries of the Burgess and Commissioners of Middletown, a municipal
corporation of the State of Maryland, be and they are hereby enlarged by the
annexation of the following described area:

Beginning at an Iron Pin at the end of the South 89°24'58"
East 2933.45 feet line of the present corporate limits of the Burgess and
Commissioners of Middletown, as shown on Rothenhoefer Engineers' plat of
Middletown, Maryland, 1967, and running with said line reversed North 89°24'
58" West 1167.18 feet to an iron pin; thence South 57 °05' 58" East 760.00 feet to
an iron pin; thence North 52 °50' 37" East 663.76 feet to the place of beginning,
Containing 5.44 acres.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the persons residing in said area
and properties located therein are included for all purposes and subject to the
provisions of the Charter and Ordinances of said municipal corporation in said
area as fully as if said area had been originally or subsequently included within the
boundaries of said municipal corporation.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all persons and properties real or
personal, within the area sought to be annexed shall be subject to municipal
assessment and taxation for the 1973-1974 fiscal year and for each and every year
thereafter at the current rates of said municipal corporation.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the corporate boundaries of said
municipal corporation after this annexation shall be as follows:

Beginning for the same at an iron bolt fixed in the middle of a stone culvert, it
being the first culvert west of Middletown, on the National Turnpike Road leading
from Baltimore to Hagerstown and the west, and running thence from said iron
bolt the following courses and distances, to wit: South 50 45' West 333.00 feet to
a stake on the L.F. Rudy land; thence South 30 °46' 30" East 1683.65 feet to a
monument on the east margin of the Bidle Road on a line of the property of C.F.
Main and Sons; thence South 55 °43' 27" East 853.00 feet to a monument at a
corner between said C. F. Main and Sons and the Ray Bowers Properties; thence
South 26 °09' 16" East 1961.30 feet to a monument on the west margin of the
Burkittsville Road, a corner between the properties of C.F. Main and Sons and
Harold Remsburg; thence North 59 °10' 27" East 1745.08 feet to a monument on
the northeast margin of the Holter Road on the J. Homer Remsburg property;
thence South 89°24'58" East 1766.27 feet to an iron pin; thence South
57 °05' 58" East 760.00 feet to an iron pin on the western boundary of the Frank
G. Remsburg property; thence by and with said Frank G. Remsburg's boundary
line North 52 °50' 37" East 663.76 feet to an iron pin, a corner of the Robert W.
House and wife property; thence by and with the boundaries of said Robert W.
House and wife property two courses and distances, North 25 °50' East 613.03 feet
to the northwest corner of said House property at a point in the center of the
aforesaid National Turnpike Road, thence by and with the center of said road
South 63 °40' East 102.25 feet to the southwest corner of the Earl R. Kepler
property; thence by and with the lines of said Kepler property two courses and
distances, North 31 °30' East 200.00 feet to a point; thence South 63 °40' East


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Session Laws, 1973
Volume 709, Page 2311   View pdf image
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