(Montgomery County)
WHEREAS, A Petition has been presented to Chevy Chase Village, a
municipal corporation, to annex certain land, referred to as Section No. 6 and
Section No. 7, Chevy Chase, more particularly described hereinafter and to include
it in its corporate limits, and
WHEREAS, Said Petition has been signed by not less than twenty-five per
centum (25%) of the persons who reside in the area to be annexed and who are
registered as voters in County elections in the precinct or precincts in which the
territory to be annexed is located, and by the owners of not less than twenty-five
per centum (25%) of the assessed valuation of the real property located in the area
to be annexed, and
WHEREAS, The presiding officer of the Board of Managers of Chevy Chase
Village has caused there to be made a verification of the signatures on the Petition
and ascertained that the persons signing do represent not less than twenty-five per
centum (25%) of the persons who reside in the area to be annexed and who are
registered as voters in County elections in the precinct or precincts in which said
area is located and the owners of twenty-five per centum (25%) of the assessed
value of the real property located in the area to be annexed, and
WHEREAS, A public notice of said Resolution was published not fewer than
four times at not less than weekly intervals in the Bethesda Tribune, a newspaper
of general circulation in Chevy Chase Village and the area to be annexed, the said
notice specifying that a public hearing would be held on said Resolution at 5908
Connecticut Avenue in the Chevy Chase Village Hall at 7:30 p.m. on the 6th day
of March, 1972, and
WHEREAS, The Board of Managers of Chevy Chase Village, sitting as a
legislative body, has considered said Petition, and
WHEREAS, The Chairman of the Board of Managers, the presiding officer of
the legislative body of Chevy Chase Village, has caused to be introduced, on the
13th of December, 1971, the following Resolution proposing the change of
boundaries as requested by said Petition, which upon motion made, seconded and
unanimously carried, it is
RESOLVED, That the Petition for the annexation of the land, hereinafter
described, be granted and that Section 52-2 of the Chevy Chase Village Charter, as
recorded in the Montgomery County Code (1965, as amended) is amended to
include the following additional area:
Beginning at the District of Columbia and Maryland marker stone located at
the intersection of the northeast boundary of Broadbranch Road and the
northwestern boundary of Western Avenue (as shown on the plat of Section No. 7,
Chevy Chase, recorded among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland
at Plat Book 3, Plat 259), then northeast along the northwestern boundary of
Western Avenue for a distance of 928.99 feet, more or less (to the point where the
northeast boundary of the second lot north of Primrose Street fronting on Western
Avenue intersects with the northwestern boundary of Western Avenue), then 639.46
feet along a line N. 49° 59' 13" W. to a stone marker (as shown on the plat of