Ch. 545 MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 1185
receiving at the date of his death. The [widow] SPOUSE of every such judge who
dies after his active service is terminated, if he was at least 60 years of age at the
time of his death, shall be paid one half of the pension or salary to which [such]
THE judge would have been entitled on the date of his death if he had elected to
receive said pension or salary immediately after termination of his active service.
In order to be entitled to the pension or salary provided by this section, a [widow]
SPOUSE of a judge who dies during active service shall have been married to him
for a period of not less than three years prior to his death, and, in the case of the
death of a retired judge, not less than three years before his retirement. A [widow]
SPOUSE who is entitled to a pension or salary under the provisions of this section
shall be paid for the period of [her] HIS life unless [she] HE remarries, in which
event the pension or salary is to cease and terminate. The provisions of this section
shall apply to the [widows,] SPOUSES, who have not remarried and who are
otherwise qualified as provided herein, of elected judges and retired elected judges
who died before June 1, 1955. In determining the amount which any [widow]
SPOUSE is entitled to be paid after July 1, 1962, the pension of the deceased
judge shall be calculated at the rates prescribed by § 49 of Article 26 as of that
date, notwithstanding that [such] THE judge may have died prior thereto.
50 A.
(a) The County Commissioners of Allegany County may pay a pension or salary
to the [widow] SPOUSE of any former chief judge of the fourth judicial circuit if
(1) he served as chief judge at any time during or following the year 1960 and
resided in Allegany County during his service as such; and (2) [she] HE is
receiving or eligible to receive payments of a salary or pension under the provisions
of § 50 of this subtitle.
(b) The pension or salary paid to the [widow] SPOUSE may be annually an
amount computed in this manner: (i) An amount equal to one and one- half per
centum (1 1/2%) of the total amount being paid annually to the former chief judge
under the provisions of § 48 of this subtitle, at the time of his death, is multiplied
by (ii) the number of years (or portions thereof) during which the former chief
judge served either as an associate judge or as the chief judge in the fourth judicial
(c) The County Commissioners of Allegany County may levy upon the
assessable property of the county a tax sufficient to pay the amount payable and
computed under this section.
In the case of any judge whose retirement allowance was based upon the
provisions of § 49 (a), (b), or (c) of this article, his [widow,] SPOUSE, who was
on July 1, 1970 receiving benefits under § 50 of this article, shall receive an
additional retirement allowance equal to one sixth of the retirement allowance
provided under § 50 of this article. Any [such widow] SPOUSE who is receiving a
supplementation of the retirement allowance from a county or Baltimore City shall
not receive the additional retirement allowance provided in this section unless
[her] HIS supplementation is reduced by an amount equivalent to the increase of
retirement allowance provided under this section.
(1) The [widow] SURVIVING SPOUSE of every judge described in subsection
(a) of this section who dies in active service shall be paid one half of the pension or
salary the judge would have received if his service had been terminated by
retirement and for this purpose only, the age of the judge is not to be considered;
the [widow ] SURVIVING SPOUSE of any judge eligible for retirement pension