Federal Projects"; to correct incorrect statutory cross-references and improper
nomenclature, to simplify language, and correcting errors therein.
MARYLAND, That certain portions of the Annotated Code of Maryland, being
Sections 15(d) and 16(h) of Article 1A (1968 Replacement Volume and 1972
Supplement), title "Aeronautics," subtitles, respectively, "Airports and Related
Facilities," and "Airport Zoning"; Sections 141, 193, 196, 199, 333, 334, 340, and
341 of Article 23 (1966 Replacement Volume), title "Corporations," subtitle,
"Particular Classes of Corporations," subheadings, respectively, "Companies for
the Erection of Bridges or Construction of Canals," "Railroad Companies,"
"Water Companies," and "Condemnation of Property by Corporations"; Section
95 of Article 23B (1966 Replacement Volume), title "Municipal Corporation
Charter," subtitle "Town Property"; Sections 11A, 80, 114, 138, 139, 162(b), and
201 of Article 25 (1966 Replacement Volume and 1971 Supplement), title "County
Commissioners," subtitles, respectively, "General Provisions," "Draining Lands,"
"Public Roads," "Erosion," and "Public Water Associations"; [[Section 150(b) of
Article 26 (1966 Replacement Volume and 1972 Interim Supplement), title
"Courts," subtitle "District Courts"; 11 Sections 4(h) and 33(a) of Article 33B
(1971 Replacement Volume and 1972 Supplement), title "Environmental Service";
Sections 410, 650(b)(8), 666 and 666A of Article 43 (1971 Replacement Volume),
title "Health," subtitles, respectively, "Water, Ice and Sewerage," and "Sanitary
Districts"; Section 13 of Article 44A (1971 Replacement Volume), title "Housing
Authorities," subtitle, "In General"; Section 3A of Article 57 (1972 Replacement
Volume), title "Limitations of Actions"; Section 6(c) of Article 62B (1972
Replacement Volume), title "Maryland Port Administration"; Section 46 of
Article 64B (1972 Replacement Volume), title "Metropolitan Transit District";
Sections 186, 372, 695B, and 695C of Article 66C (1970 Replacement Volume),
title "Natural Resources," subtitles, respectively, "Birds, Game and Fish,"
"Forests and Parks," and "Gas and Oil"; Section 51 of Article 77 (1969
Replacement Volume), title "Public Education," subtitle "Chapter 4. County
Boards of Education"; Sections 9A, 14A, 14B, and 14C(b) of Article 78A (1969
Replacement Volume and 1972 Supplement), title "Public Works," subtitle "Board
of Public Works"; Sections 7(b), 8A(a), 9, 10, 18, 19, 22A(b), 125(b), 146(b) and
238 of Article 89B (1969 Replacement Volume and 1972 Supplement), title "State
Roads," subtitles, respectively, "In General," "Bonds, Notes, or Other Evidence of
Indebtedness," and "Highway Beautification"; and Sections 5 and 49(a)(5) of
Article 96 (1964 Replacement Volume), title "United States," subtitles,
respectively, "Acquisition of and Jurisdiction over Land and Buildings," and
"Powers of Counties and Municipalities to Participate in Federal Projects," be and
they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
Article 1A.
(d) In the condemnation of property authorized by this section, the
Administration shall proceed in the name of the State in the manner provided by
[Article 33A of the Annotated] TITLE 12 OF ARTICLE 21 OF THIS Code (of
Maryland]. For the purpose of making surveys and examinations relative to any
condemnation proceedings, it [shall be] IS lawful to enter upon any land, doing no
unnecessary damage. Notwithstanding, the provisions of any other statute, or the
charter of any municipality, the Administration may take possession of any
property to be condemned at any time after the commencement of the
condemnation proceedings. The Administration [shall] IS not precluded from
abandoning the condemnation of any [such 1 property in any case where possession