Marvin Mandel, Governor 875
The Board of County Commissioners of St. Mary's County, shall, on
or before July 1, [1939] 1972, appoint a board which shall be known
as the Board of Electrical Examiners, consisting of [three] five
persons for the purpose of examining into the qualifications and capa-
bilities of all persons who are engaged or desire to engage in the
business of Master Electrician as defined in this sub-title. The Board
so appointed shall consist of two competent [practical electricians]
licensed master electricians of St. Mary's County, who shall be se-
lected from a list of 4 names recommended to the Board of County
Commissioners by the St. Mary's County Electrical Contractors' As-
sociation, and [the President] a member of the Board of County
Commissioners and 2 members to be selected by the County Commis-
sioners. The members of the Board so appointed shall serve for a
term to run concurrently with the tenure of the County Commis-
sioners. If any vacancy occurs for any cause during the term of any
board as herein provided for, the Board of County Commissioners
shall appoint somebody from a list of 2 names recommended by said
Electrical Contractors' Association to fill the unexpired term. The
Board of County Commissioners shall have full power to remove
any member of the board for incompetency or improper conduct by
satisfactory evidence being presented to him of such condition.
The members of said Board shall respectively take and subscribe
the oath required by other State officers. [They shall have] The
County Commissioners shall designate one member to be Chairman,
who shall serve for 1 year and may succeed himself. The Board has
power to elect out of their number a [President] Secretary and
Treasurer, who shall furnish a bond at the Board's expense in such
amount as may be determined by the County Commissioners, and to
adopt such rules and regulations and by-laws, not inconsistent with
this sub-title, for the transaction of business of the Board as they
may deem expedient [.] , and which rules, regulations and by-laws
shall have the full force of law upon filing same with the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for St. Mary's County. All records of the Board shall be
maintained in official files in the Office of the County Commissioners.
Each member of said Board shall receive [a] as compensation
[of five dollars ($5.00) per day] twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for
each monthly meeting attended for actual service in attending meet-
ings of the Board, which compensation shall be paid out of any
moneys in the hands of the Treasurer of said Board; provided that
the Secretary of said Board may receive such additional compensation
as the Board may deem just and reasonable, and for which the by-
laws of the said Board may provide; provided, however, that the
compensation and expenses of said Board shall in no event be paid
out of the funds in the State Treasury or become a charge against
the State.
(a) Before any person shall hereafter engage in the business of a
Master Electrician in St. Mary's County, as defined in this sub-title,
and before any person now engaged in said business or any class