740 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 217
Commissioners shall have but one vote among them, to be cast by
the President of the Board of County Commissioners or his designee.
Additionally,]; 9 3 members from each county to include the nine
THREE County Commissioners, provided that in lieu of three County
Commissioners from any County hereafter adopting a County Char-
ter, the three members from such county shall be appointed by the
Executive of such county with the advice and consent of the County
Council. Additionally, the Economic Development Commission and
the Planning and Zoning Commission of each county shall have the
right to appoint one non-voting member to the Council, and the
County Commissioners from each county shall recommend the ap-
pointment of one voting member-at-large from each county subject
to the concurrence of the State Senator(s) and Delegates from each
county, this right of appointment may be exercised by the Sena-
tors, Delegates, and County Commissioners only with respect to the
member-at-large from the county or counties from which they have
been elected or represent, and the Maryland Department of Eco-
nomic and Community Development and the Maryland Department
of Economic Development and the Maryland State Planning Depart-
ment shall each be represented on the Council by one non-voting
The members who hold membership by virtue of their elected
or appointed position shall hold office only during- their term of
office. The members at large MEMBERS-AT-LARGE shall serve at
the pleasure of elected and otherwise appointed membership of each
Vacancies on the Council by reason of death, resignation, change
of residence or other cause shall be filed FILLED for the duration of
the unexpired term in the same manner as is provided for the
original appointment.
Members of the Council shall serve without compensation.
(2) STATUS.—The Tri-County Council shall be a tax-exempt
public body corporate and politic, and shall operate as a cooperative
planning and development agency within the representative counties
to foster the physical, economic and social development of the tri-
county area and utilize effectively the assistance provided by the
State. It shall initiate and coordinate plans and projects for the de-
velopment of human and economic resources of the Southern Mary-
land region as a Southern Maryland planning and development
The Council will cooperate with the State departments and agen-
cies concerned, including, but not limited to the Department of State
Planning, Department of Economic Development, [the State Office
of Economic Opportunity, the State Roads Commission] THE
NITY DEVELOPMENT, the State Department of Transportation
and the Department of Natural Resources, and submit for approval
plans and projects of the Council in which such departments or
agencies have statutory functions and responsibilities. The Attorney
General of Maryland shall serve as legal advisor to the Council in
all matters pertaining to the Council's activities.