2846 County Local Laws
ployee contribution rate increases with retention of existing
normal retirement dates, reduction of mandatory retirement
date of age 65 to age 60 with provision for year to year exten-
sions; for issuance of retirement checks at the beginning of the
month rather than at the end of the month; that certain accumu-
lated sick leave may be credited for retirement purposes and that
there foe a uniform cost-of-living adjustment plan covering all
members of the Employees' Retirement System of Montgomery
County and the Police Relief and Retirement Fund whenever the
cost-of-living provisions of the Employees' Retirement System of
Montgomery County are implemented.
Be It Enacted by the County Council for Montgomery County,
Maryland, that—
Sec. 1. Section 18-16(a)(4) of Section 16, of Chapter 18, Mont-
gomery County Code, 1965, as amended, is hereby amended to read
as follows:
The following deductions from the pay of each member of
such police, exclusive of overtime pay, which deductions shall be at
least matched by equal amount of money out of the general funds
of the County which shall be credited to such Police Relief and
Retirement Fund, which shall become a part of the total fund of the
Employees' Retirement System of Montgomery County: three and one-
half percent of the monthly salary beginning July 1, 1955; four
and one-half percent of the monthly salary beginning July 1, 1956;
five percent of the monthly salary beginning July 1, 1957; six and
one-half percent of the monthly salary beginning July 1,1960, of each
member appointed or reappointed during the period of July 1, 1955,
through June 30, 1960, who elects to have six and one-half percent
deducted from his salary under the provisions of Section 18-17(a).
Notwithstanding the above provisions, effective as of the be-
ginning of the payroll period in which July 1, 1971 occurs, the con-
tribution rate of each member of the County police who is a member
of the Police Relief and Retirement Fund of Montgomery County
shall be increased by one-half of one percent (½%) and effective
at the beginning of the pay period in which July 1 falls in each
succeeding year, the contribution rate of each member of this fund
shall be increased by one-half of one percent (½%) until the total
member contribution rate is seven and one-half percent (7½%) and
there shall be a concommitant increase in the employer contribution
SEC. 2. Section 18-17, sub-sections (a), (k), (n), and (o) of
Section 17, Chapter 18, Montgomery County Code, 1965, as amended,
are hereby amended to read as follows: