2200 Municipal Charters
feet and an arc of 1,702.04 feet along the arc of the curve to a point on the
arc, said point being the intersection of the arc and The Hancock Cor-
porate line; said point can be reached by the following chord bearing and
length: (8) North 38 degrees 42 minutes 21 seconds East 1,413.95 feet;
and running thence with the Hancock Corporate boundary line as to annex
the remaining portion of the Hess property, Liber 276, folio 350 and the
Creek property Liber 238, folio 586; (9) North 43 degrees 20 minutes
27 seconds West 1,429.70 feet to a point in the south marginal line of
Maryland Route No. 144 (formerly old U.S. 40), and running thence along
the said marginal line; (10) South 83 degrees 31 minutes West 102.17
feet to a concrete monument, a corner to the Washington County Board of
Education; (11) South 83 degrees 31 minutes West 424.76 feet to a point;
(12) South 65 degrees 41 minutes West 406.81 feet to a point; (13) South
64 degrees 27 minutes West 121.69 feet to the beginning; containing
57.86 acres of land, more or less; and BEING the properties conveyed
as follows: A—The same property conveyed from Hancock Development
Corp. to Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc., by deed dated April 8, 1969 and
recorded at Liber 486, folio 268 among the records of Washington County;
B—Part of the same property conveyed from Genevieve Smith, widow,
to the Board of Education of Washington County by deed dated June 27,
1955 and recorded at Liber 299, folio 164 among the records of Washing-
ton County; C—Part of the same property conveyed from Genevieve
Smith, widow, to Albert G. Creek and Delores Y. Creek, his wife, by deed
dated October 16, 1946 and recorded at Liber 238, folio 586 among the
Land Records of Washington County; D—Part of the same property con-
veyed from Genevieve Smith, widow, to William H. Hess and Maud Vir-
ginia Hess, his wife, by deed dated April 24, 1953, and recorded at Liber
276. folio 350 among the Land Records of Washington County.
TRACT 2: A tract of land west of the Town of Hancock, Maryland,
mostly on the south side of Creek Road, and shown as Parcel No. 31 on Tax
Maps No. 3 and No. 17, and more particularly described as follows: Be-
ginning at a concrete monument set at the end of the 10th or South 33
degree West 29½-perch line of Parcel "B" of the land conveyed by Warford
N. Mann to Lemuel G. Kirk recorded in Liber 222, folio 237, one of the
Land Records of Washington County, Maryland, said concrete monument
having Maryland Grid coordinates (as determined from station flint having
a Maryland Grid Coordinate of 682,719.66 North and 46,233.21 East) of
683,581.13 North and 460,409.29 East as determined by a recent survey
made by J. B. Ferguson and Co., Inc., and running thence with said 10th
line reversed, and with an existing fence, with the following Maryland
Grid bearings and distances: (1) North 32 degrees 30 minutes East 486
feet to a concrete monument; thence (2) North 49 degrees 35 minutes
East 1,271.74 feet to a planted stone now recovered; thence (3) North 3
degrees 49 minutes West 361.46 feet to a concrete monument; thence
with portions of an existing fence (4) South 70 degrees 50 minutes East
334.73 feet to a planted stone now recovered; thence (5) South 65 degrees
49 minutes East 371.42 feet to a tree with wire attached; thence with an
existing fence and bounding on the land conveyed by Calvin Deneen and
wife to Earl McCarty and wife, recorded in Liber 222, folio 19; (6) North
35 degrees 8 minutes East 625.48 feet to an iron pin; thence (7) North 19
degrees 58 minutes East 121.84 feet to a concrete monument set in the
south marginal line of Creek Road, said concrete monument being also 6
feet from the Northeast corner of the said land conveyed to Earl McCarty
recorded in Liber 222, folio 19; running thence with the South edge of
said Creek Road the following eight (8) courses and distances: (8)
South 59 degrees 12 minutes East 327.71 feet to a point; thence (9) South