1348 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 439
Program," and Sections 2-202 (A) and 2-204 of said article and
title, OF THE CODE, subtitle "Highway Safety Administration,"
subheading "Highway Safety Coordinating Committee," relating
generally to the State Highway Safety Program and specifically
to make changes reflecting the passage of the Federal Highway
Safety Act of 1970 and the creation of the Maryland Department
of Transportation and to provide for the administration of the
State's Highway Safety Program by the Department of Trans-
portation; to include the Secretary of Transportation on the High-
way Safety Coordinating Committee, to make other changes in
the membership of this committee and to provide that the execu-
tive director shall be appointed by the Secretary of Transportation.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 2-101, 2-102 and 2-103 of Article 66½ of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1970 Replacement Volume), title "Vehicle
Laws," subtitle "Highway Safety Administration," subheading
"Highway Safety Program," and Sections 2-202 (A) and 2-204 of
said article and title, OF THE CODE, subtitle "Highway Safety
Administration," subheading "Highway Safety Coordinating Com-
mittee," be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, all to read as follows:
The Governor, in addition to other powers and responsibilities con-
ferred upon him by the Constitution and laws of this State, is hereby
empowered to contract and to do all other things necessary in behalf
of this State to secure the full benefits available to this State under
the Federal Highway Safety [Act] Acts of 1966 and 1970 and acts
amendatory or supplemental thereto, and in so doing to cooperate
with local, State and federal agencies, interested private and public
organizations, and with individuals, so as to effectuate the purposes
of that enactment and any subsequent amendments thereto.
The Governor shall be the official of this State having the respon-
sibility for dealing with the federal government with respect to
programs and activities pursuant to the Federal Highway Safety
[Act] Acts of 1966 and 1970 and acts amendatory or supplemental
thereto. [To that end he shall coordinate the activities of any and all
departments and agencies of this State and its subdivisions relating
([Governor's highway safety coordinator.] Administration of High-
way Safety Program.
Subject to the authority of the Governor, the administration of
the State's Highway Safety Program shal SHALL be the responsi-
bility of the Department of Transportation. [There is hereby created
the office of Governor's highway safety coordinator. The powers and
duties of the Governor conferred by this article may be delegated
by him to the highway safety coordinator, but responsibility for the
highway safety program of this State remains with the Governor,
as otherwise by law provided.]