Marvin Mandel, Governor 1007
For the purpose of this subtitle, the following words and phrases
are herewith defined:
A "well" is any excavation whether drilled, bored, cored, or dug,
for water or in exploration for water. Drive-point wells and hand-
dug wells are excluded from the provisions of this subtitle.
A "well driller" is a person in responsible charge of the actual
drilling, boring, coring, or digging, or construction, alteration or
repair of any well.
An "owner" is a person who has the right to drill into and produce
and appropriate the production of water, either for himself or for
himself and another or others, and for others.
A "person" means any natural person, corporation, association,
partnership, receiver, trustee, guardian, executor, administrator,
fiduciary, or representative of any kind.
"Underground water" means any supply of water which may be
developed by any type of well or spring from beneath the surface
of the ground whether the water flows therefrom by natural force
or is withdrawn by pumping or other mechanical device or artificial
"A[c]quifer" means any formation of soil, sand, rock, gravel,
limestone, sandstone, or other material, or any crevice from which
underground water is or may be produced.
In carrying out its responsibility for water resource planning,
development and management, the Department shall cooperate with
federal, estate and local agencies in all water resource projects
or programs affecting the waters of the State. The Department
shall administer such financial assistance for these projects or pro-
grams as may be made available to the Department for this purpose.
In furtherance of its responsibility under this section, the Depart-
ment [of Water Resources] shall consider the following only when
local entities agree to pay all other nonfederal cost and to operate
and maintain the structures installed using federal assistance author-
ized under the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act:
(1) A contribution by the State of up to fifty percent (50%) of
the non-federal share of approved projects under PL 566.
(2) Use of the funds in programs or projects of flood control,
recreation, fish and wildlife, water supply and flow augmentation.
(3) Limitation of State participation to land acquisition for dams
and impounded areas and construction of dams. Additional land
beyond the flood pool level, access roads, and recreational facilities
shall not be part of such program or project.
Whenever in this article or in the laws of this State reference is
made to the Water Pollution Control Commission and the Depart-
ment of Geology, Mines and Water Resources, respectively, the same