Marvin Mandel, Governor 729
provided. In no case shall an election be held in any building or part
of any building used or occupied as a saloon, billiard hall or bowling
alley or communicating therewith by doors or hallways except as to
a building owned and occupied by a bona fide volunteer fire com-
pany, service club, veterans organization or fraternal organization
in Allegany County.
(2) In Baltimore City public buildings shall be used for [regis-
tration and] polling places to the greatest extent feasible. For rental
of privately owned [registration and] polling places in Baltimore
City the board of supervisors shall pay an amount as determined
from time to time in the ordinance of estimates, provided that such
amount shall be uniform on a citywide basis.
(b) Wherever possible and practicable, it shall be the duty of each
board to use public buildings, such as schoolhouses and fire-engine
houses, for polling places. It is the duty of all public officials having
charge of such buildings to place them at the disposal of the boards
without charge. Such space as needed therein for the proper conduct
of elections shall be provided upon application for their use by the
boards and light, heat and custodial and janitorial services for the
buildings shall be provided without charge. Nothing in this subsec-
tion shall be construed to mean that volunteer fire companies or
rescue squads shall not be paid for the use of their facilities.
(1) In Montgomery County it shall be mandatory that the county
Board of Education make available such space and custodial service
as needed for the proper conduct of [registrations and;} elections
upon application by the board for the county.
(2) In Charles County the board in its discretion, shall be per-
mitted to use private firehouses, private halls and other buildings
[excluding church halls,] for [registration and] polling places.
3-12. Registration forms and cards.
(a) It shall be the duty of the boards to prescribe the style, color,
quality and dimensions of all forms, cards and records required for
the continuous registration of voters as herein provided and to pre-
scribe the requirements of the cabinets, binders and other equip-
ment needed for filing the original and duplicate registration cards.
No particular design or make shall be prescribed for such cabinets,
binders or other equipment. Such registration forms or cards shall
consist of an equal number of original cards or loose-leaf pages of
one color, and duplicate cards or loose-leaf pages of another color, or
a size adequate to contain the information required. Two separate reg-
istration cards shall be utilized at all registrations by the registrars,
and carbonized registration forms may not be substituted for the
two separate registration cards. Provisions shall be made on said
cards or loose-leaf pages for recording the fact that registered voters
have or have not voted at each election; and space shall be provided
for such recording for a period of not less than twelve years. The
fact of voting shall be indicated by writing the letter "V" in the
proper space. Provision shall also be made on such cards or loose-leaf
pages for showing subsequent changes of address or party affiliation.
(a) The board shall furnish to anyone making written application
therefor, within ten days after such application has been received,