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given effect without the invalid provisions or application, and to this
end, all the provisions of this Act are hereby declared to be severable.
Section 6. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Ordinance
shall become effective only upon the adoption of AFTER the entire Sub-
title and zoning maps, ARE ADOPTED AND BECOME EFFECTIVE,
and the repealer of Chapter 35 OF THE ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY
Articles I through V, inclusive, respectively titled "In General", "Dis-
tricts", "Board of Appeals", "Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces
Generally" and "Signs and Outdoor Advertisements Generally", and the
repeal and re-enactment, with amendments of Article VI of said Chapter,
(as enacted by Bill No. 4-65) ARE REPEALED.
APPROVED AND ENACTED: September 30, 1970
Bill No. 94-70
An Ordinance to add new Section 13-316 (104A) to the Anne Arun-
del County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title 13, "Planning
and Zoning", Subtitle 3, "Zoning", Article V, "Industrial Districts",
heading, "W2—Light Industrial Districts", to follow immediately
after Section 13-316 (104) thereof (as enacted by Bill No. 20-70),
authorizing substations as a permitted use in W2—Light Industrial
Districts; and to add new Section 13-317 (37A) to said Code, Title,
Subtitle, and Article, heading "W3—Heavy Industrial Districts", to
follow immediately after Section 13-317 (37) thereof (as enacted by
Bill No. 20-70), authorizing public utilities and uses in W3—Heavy
Industrial Districts; providing for the adoption of zoning maps; au-
thorizing the renumbering of such sections of this Ordinance as may be
necessary or desirable when additional sections of this Subtitle are
adopted; providing that this Ordinance shall become effective only
upon the adoption of the entire Subtitle and the repealer of the
existing Zoning laws; and matters generally related thereto.
Whereas, the Charter of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, provides that
the life of a bill is sixty-five (65) days; and
Whereas, it is impractical and unrealistic to attempt to have intelligent
and meaningful public hearings on a complete Zoning Ordinance within
said sixty-five (65) day period, it is the intent of the County Council of
Anne Arundel County, Maryland, to adopt Subtitle 3, "Zoning", in sections,
no section becoming effective until the complete subtitle is adopted.
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND, That new Section 13-316
(104A) be, and it is hereby added to the Anne Arundel County Code
(1967 Edition and Supplements), Title 13, "Planning and Zoning", Sub-
title 3, "Zoning", Article V, "Industrial Districts", heading, "W2—Light
Industrial Districts", to follow immediately after Section 13-316 (104)
thereof (as enacted by Bill No. 20-70), and to read as follows:
(104A) Substations (enclosed and outdoor distribution, provided out-
door equipment is screened from all property lines).
Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That new Section
13-317 (37A) be, and it is hereby added to said Code, Title, Subtitle,